"Just what?" I shake my head. "Talk to me babe." I sigh.

"Just be careful."

"You worry too much. It'll be fine." I grab his face.

"Hey! You're not fucking Superman. You don't have to do everything." He sighs and takes my hands.

"I know."

"You have 5 kids now. I can't have you fall or break. They need you.... I need you." He sighs and takes my hands.

"I know. I know and I will always be here. Nothing will take me away from you. Any of you." He kisses my head. "Don't worry."

"I can't help it. It's what I do." I sigh. "You have bigger things to focus on. Now go before you miss your flight."

"Ma!" Joe calls out. "We gotta go."

"I'm coming." Patty comes down the stairs after leaving the twins' nursery. "They're just so beautiful." She gushes causing me to smile.

"Say hi to Nessa for me." I say.

"I will." He kisses me. "Love you."

"Love you. Have fun, we'll be watching." Patty hugs me.

"Bye G!" Joe calls out.

"Later!" She says from her room. The two leave and I go into Galina's room with the baby monitor. Galina flips open the covers and I get in. "You don't want him to go."

"Nope. I was hoping we'd have more time."

"He was getting antsy. It was only a matter of time."

"I know... I thought that he would get a taste of the Hollywood bug and want to move away from wrestling. At least for a year. Build his strength before throwing it away."

"He can't be away from the life as long as you can. This is in his blood."

"But with Dean leaving... me not there and all these new people coming in and out..."

"He'll adapt."

"Why are you so optimistic?" I ask.

"One of us has to do it."

"Hm." A baby starts crying on the monitor, causing the other one to cry. "Duty calls." We get out of the bed and go upstairs.


Monday Night Raw
Atlanta, GA

Joe's POV:

Mom, Nessa and I walk into the arena to be met with lots of hugs and kind greetings.

"I'm gonna put my stuff in the locker room and then I have to meet with everyone. You'll be ok?"

"We'll be fine Joe." Vanessa says. "Nia just texted me. We'll meet up with her and Ata." I nod in agreement and go into the locker room to change. When I finish, the door opens and Dean steps in.

"It's been too long bro." I say as we hug.

"Fuck yeah. Too long. How are the kids?"

"Good, good. The babies are just coming along. Anjali misses the shit out of you. I know this was a rough time but she really appreciated talking to you as much as she did. It really helped."

"Any way I can man, you know that. And Malaika?"

"Experiencing the aftermath of having a c-section."

"That must not be great."

"Well she has all the kids and Galina to distract her so she's just taking it one day at a time."

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