The Child of Sun and Moon

Start from the beginning

The same white and gold hair, the gold and blue eyes, but they all looked different in their own way. Each one had a different style that showed off their personalities.

"Who are these people Papa?" I asked.

"These people are the most powerful people in the universe, and soon my dear, you will be added to this book."

"Why's that?"

"Because, before you were born, a prophecy was given to us. A prophecy that will bring you to your destiny."

Before I could ask another question, I heard my mother about towards us.

"The chefs have finished preparing dinner!" She said, "Please come back so we may eat."

I laughed, jumping from my spot on the soft grass and running into my mother's arms.

I didn't think much of it at the time, but I never would've thought that this time I spent with my father, would give me a step closer to the answers to the secrets of my destiny.

Flashback end~~~~~~~~

I slowly opened my eyes, no longer feeling my lion shake. I lowered my hands from my head and looked to see something incredible.

A planet was in front of us, its beautiful white surface glowing as crystals surrounded it like the rings of Saturn.

"What is this place?" I asked no one in particular.

"This is the planet of those who have been sent into legends." The white lion answered, "This is where you shall receive the answers you deserve."

I grabbed the handles of the white lion controls as we landed on the planet.

As we landed, I noticed the details of the planet. The surface was white, but the streams flowed silver. The trees were made of a type of crystal with pale green leaves and beautiful purple flowers.

"Are you here for the answers you deserve?" I heard a woman say from behind me.

I turned around, feeling no ill intent from the person behind me.

I turned around to see a woman, smiling as she walked towards me and grabbed my hands in hers.

I took in her appearance. She had long white and gold hair in a low ponytail. Her eyes were the same as mine, but more wisdom than my own.

Her face was pale, but had more color than my sickly color, and her smile was purer than any gems I have ever seen before.

"Who are you?" I asked.

She chuckled softly, "I am the one who has the answers you're searching for." She said, her voice soft and sweet like the crisp clear air flowing around us.

"Can you tell me about the child of sin and moon?" I asked, "What is this child, and why does everybody keep calling me by that title?"

The woman turned around, leading me away from my lion.

We walked for a short while, at least until my lion was completely out of sight. Finally, we reached a large castle much like my castle on Arisa. Unlike my castle, this one was a shining gold and white crystals sparkling like stars.

She opened the doors, still holding my hand. As we walked down the corridors, I noticed that the walls had paintings of people that shared the same features as the woman and me.

Some were men, some were women and others were children.

"Who are these people?" I asked the woman, "and you never told me your name."

The White Lion PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now