You're Not The Only One With A Dark Secret Niall

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You're Not The Only One With A Dark Secret Niall

Chapter 8

Harry's POV

        The meeting ended an hour early due to Luke's scene of telling everyone Niall's deep dark secrets. What I can't wrap my head around is that Niall has feelings for me and that he probably has for awhile now.  I decide that I need to find Niall and talk to him. I'm walking towards the bathroom because that's where I assumed he ran of to. As soon I open the bathroom door, I find him lying on the corner of the bathroom floor crying. I sit down beside him and wrap my arm around him as he cries. He jumps up when he's notices that it's me. He wipes away his tears and looks away embrassed. "I'm assuming Luke told you my other dark secret, which is why you followed me in here. Am I right?" "Yes, I know your other secret Niall and I actually wanted to talk to you about it." Niall looks as white as a ghost and he looks like he's going to fall to the floor at any moment. 

        "Niall, I followed you into the bathroom for two reasons. The first reason was to make sure that you're okay." "Well Harry I'm not okay and I'm pretty sure Luke is going to tell everyone that I'm gay any moment now. He'll probably tweet about it, post about it on Facebook, and mention it on stage at the concert tonight." "Niall, I'm not going to let him to do that. If he even tries to do it, I'm going to ban 5SOS from the rest of our tour. No one gets away with hurting my best friend." "That means a lot Harry. Thank you." "You're welcome. Anyways, the second reason why I followed you into the bathroom was to tell you that I have a dark secret too." Niall stares at me with a shocked look on his face and then says "You do?" "Yes Niall, I do. My dark secret is that I'm also gay and I had a crush on Luke for awhile. After what he did to you earlier though, my feelings for him are disappearing." "It's honestly nice knowing that I'm not the only one who's gay. It makes me feel safer. Just wondering, how long have you been gay for?" I look at Niall and tell him "I've been gay for six months now. I realized that I find guys more attractive than girls so I just decided to embrace it. I haven't told anyone else about it though."

        "Harry I want to make a deal with you." "Depends on what the deal is Niall." "The deal is that when the time is right and if Luke dosen't leak out my secrets, we'll both work up the courage sometime and the find the right moment to come out. Now, I'm not talking about us coming out as a couple, but about the fact that One Direction has two members who are gay." I hesistate at first, but then agree to Niall's deal. Niall then pulls me towards him and gives me one of his famous Horan hugs. Before he leaves the bathroom he looks back at me and says "Harry, I hope you know that I've been in love with you for awhile now and that I'm not going anywhere. Even if we fight or yell at each other, I'm always going to by your side through thick and thin." I smile at Niall and say "I'm flattered, but I need some time to get over Luke first, but then I'll probably come around." Niall has a grin on his face as wide as Ireland and starts skipping out of the bathroom. I laugh to myself and can't help but think of the possibility that the Irish lad and I might become a thing at some point. 

Hope you guys liked this chapter. :) -Mary



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