Chapter 7: NewCastle

Start from the beginning


"Crap!" She groaned.

Quickly, she picked out a pink tank-top and white shorts from her closet. She threw on a little bit of makeup, to get rid of the bags under her eyes and add a little edge to her style, but it wasn't overbearing. Surprisingly, her hair looked presentable, so she left it the way it was. Lil stepped back to look in the mirror and was happy with the outcome.

The white shorts made her long,  Australian tanned legs look flawless, and the tank-top hugged her body in all the right places. The bit of makeup made her green eyes pop and as she sheepishly stuck a hand in her pocket, she decided something was missing. A necklace. Lil went over to her jewelry box which had been placed on her dresser, courtesy of her mother, and dug threw the small box until she found what she was looking for. Before she left for Ireland, she bought one last thing from her favorite beach shop. A necklace with a thin, white shell that was carved to look like a flower, hung on a purple chain with a silver clasp. Lil carefully hooked the necklace around her neck and was fully satisfied with the way it looked.

Her phone buzzed again.


She smiled and replied,

She grabbed some money from her wallet and stuffed it in her pocket. As she hopped down the stairs she called to her parents, "I'll be back later! I have my phone if you need me!"

Lil opened the front door and walked down the pebble pathway. At the bottom, she saw Jonathan leaning against his bike. His head lifted and a smile stretched on his face as he saw her approaching. Today, he was wearing a dark brown muscle shirt and tan colored shorts. His dark brown hair looked damp and glistened in the light.

"Hey." She grinned as she got closer to him.

He pulled her into a hug, which surprised Lil, "Hey there."

It was a quick hug, but it still made Lil's palms sweaty.

"So what're we gonna do today?" She asked as she bounced on her toes.

"I thought I'd show you some of my favorite places to hang. A couple cool shops, a nice beach, and then we can grab lunch if you get hungry or something."

Lil smiled, "That sounds great."

He nodded and tossed a leg over the bike, "Sweet. Come on, let's go."

"What? No silver chariot?" Lil joked.

"I'm afraid not. This was the best I could do." He chuckled, motioning at the bike.

She stepped on to the pegs and wrapped her arms around his chest, her head directly next to his.

"You holding on tight?" He asked.

She nodded, and he set off.

First stop on their tour was a little café not too far from her house. It was what Jonathan called the 'Town Center'. He explained that this was the busiest part of town. But as Lil looked around, she noticed that it actually wasn't very busy. On either side of the street were a bunch of shops. Some for clothes, some for food, some offices. Basically a smaller version of a city. The buildings all looked old and worn down. Their once red's and blue's had faded into pinks and grays. The place looked sickly.

"Wow," Lil spoke, "Looks real busy."

Jonathan chuckled and pulled his bike over in front of the café, "Let's go inside. You have to try something."

Lil got off the bike and looked up at the café name. 'Sweetest Things'.

Jonathan grabbed her hand and pulled her inside, "You're going to love it, I promise."

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