Eight - Gavin's Birthday - Part Two

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Like my birthday video choice? 😂

Who doesn't like dedications? I'm pretty sure no one, because this chapter is another dedication to My_Broken_Aesthetic for also being one of the first people to ever read my book! Thank you for reading this far, y'all!

Speaking of, this book already has over 60 reads, holy crap! I can't believe it, thank you all ❤️💕

Here is part two of last chapter's events. I apologize for the dragged out chapters, but it's how I like it, and it's how I'm going to write it.

Hope you don't mind the length of this one, this one will be an important milestone!



We all look at Gavin like he's crazy.

"What?!" I yell at him, not believing that he hasn't told me sooner.

"Why have you not told me yet, Gavin?" I ask him, and he shrugs. "Because my birthday isn't really that important." He says as we all walk off of the ice skating rink and take off our skates.

I give Gavin another look. He stares at me, confused. "What?" He asks me, like the day he was born isn't a big deal. The day God's blessing came down to Earth, for crying out loud!

"I'm mad at you." I say to Gavin, and then panic. "Oh, fuck. I need to buy you something. You've done all of this for me and I need to pay you back and Ineedtodosomethingtorepayyou!" I panic, grabbing Madison's arm, running towards the front of the door. She glares at me, but I don't care. Gavin is on my mind.

"Allie, Collin, Jacob, distract Gavin. If you need anything, have Gavin add you guys to the group chat and talk with us." I say, running out of the rink and outside.

I frantically look around for retail stores, and spot one. Smiling, I run to it, before I feel a warm hand slap my face.

It was Madison's. She had had enough.

"Slow the fuck down there, pretty boy!" Madison says to me, and I stare at her, confused. I am not pretty.

"Madison, I don't think you understand." I say, completely coming out in front of Madison. I don't give a fuck anymore.

"Gavin is my crush. Not just my crush, but my life. He has been through hell and back with me just to be with me, and I don't know why he does all of this for little ol' me, but I like Gavin. Okay? There. I said it. Gavin is my boy crush. Has been since day one." I rant, completely understanding the fact that Madison could snitch on me in the group chat anytime now.

I didn't hear anything from Madison but a smirk and a chuckle.

"What?" I ask her. She looks at me, and places a hand on my shoulder.

"It's about time you told me, honestly." She says, guiding me towards the retail store.

I chuckle. "How long have you been suspecting that I had a crush on him?" I ask her, when we walk in, and she grins at me. "Since the very first time you guys had that staring contest back at that other school." She tells me, and I remember all the way back to when Gavin was wearing those tropical-ass clothes to school that day.

He looked so hot, I couldn't even comprehend how he wasn't taken yet.

In the store, I look for a birthday card, spot one, and I never really asked how old he was, so I go into the group chat, which already had messages from Madison and Gavin, and see what's up.

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