oh my darling

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Narrator POV

Erickson's School For Troubled Youth wasn't always the crumbling piece of shit it is today. Once flourishing full of kids as young as 3 to kids upwards of 17, it was a school built on disclipline, education, and pride. Ever since the zombie outbreak, the place is basically a ghost town. A few kids stayed around as this was the only home they knew. Keeping each other safe, surviving, praying to see another sunrise. Until one wintery day.

"Clem, I'm hungry," a small child spoke as he rubbed his stomach. His parental figure, Clementine reached into her backpack and grabbed the last brown sugar poptart they had and handed it over. His eyes lit up as he took his first bite.

"We need to find more food," Clementine sighed. "See anything, goofball?"

"It's Alvin Junior," he replied seriously.

"It'll be your ass if we dont find a place," Clem shivers as the cold winter winds blew viciously.

"C...clem?" AJ grabs Clem's hand and they walk through a clearing in the forest.

"Will we find a new home?," AJ asks as he starts making a fire.

"I think so," Clem lied.

Smoke from the fire fought against the frozen winds of mid winter. 2 kids from Erickson were out hunting for food when they saw a thick, black cloud of smoke.

"You have your cleaver?," the tall darker boy whispers to the blonde girl. She nodded and looks at Rosie, their loyal pitbull. They snuck up to the source of the fire and jumped in, armed and ready.

"HANDS UP," the tall, darker boy yelled as he aimed a bow at Clementine's head. She raised her hands and obeyed.

"Who are you?," the blonde spoke as she held the cleaver to AJ's throat.

"Clementine and this is AJ," Clem spoke gently. "We just were passing through, looking for shelther."

The Erickson duo lowered their weapons and backed away.

"Louis and this is Violent- I mean Violet," the boy chuckled. Violet gently elbowed him in the back.

"Sorry about that," Violet spoke. "First time we've seened live people in a while."

"I get it," Clem shrugged. AJ walked up to Louis and Violet.

"Can we stay with you guys? We can help fight off monsters!" Louis and Violet looked at each other and then back at AJ's shinny eyes.

"Yes," they both said in unison. AJ hugged them both.

Edit/Redo: 4/16/20

Narrator's POV

Years before an unknown disease plagued the earth and all living on it, Erickson's School for Troubled Youth was a bustling academy for kids who lacked disciplint. Now, it is the home to a group of young survivors, hidden within the overgrown forests. Until one day...

"Clem, we've been walking for forever," a young voice whinned. I turned around to find AJ kicking at the dirt beneath his boots.
"I'm hungry."

"Fine, lets take a break." We sat underneath a small makeshift "cave" built of 3 boulders and a fallen log overhead. AJ sat besides me as I pulled out a brown sugar poptart, the last bit of food I was managed to scavenge from some dead campers.

We need to find food soon.

After a few moments passed, we decided it was best to keep heading West. The air around us grew cold as small snowflakes began to fall down and land upon our skin. Still, we persisted on.

"Look Clem," AJ tugged on my jacket and pointed at a small shack besides a river.

It's better than nothing.

"It looks clear," I whispered to AJ as I peeked through the windows. AJ had his trustly pistol in his hands as I readied my knife.
"No way out other than this front door."

AJ slowly opened the door and took refugee on the makeshift bed near the fireplace.
"Can we stay?"

"Until the storm passes," I looked around at the place.

Spears, coal, empty bottles and cans...

My eyes fixated onto a carving on the wall.

V+M. Love certainly doesn't last when the world's falling apart.

I ignited the fire in the fireplace and huddled around it for warmth as the roaring winds kicked up speed outdoors.


"Smoke," Louis pointed towards the fishing shack.

"Well," I grabbed my cleaver as I tighten my grip onto Rosie's leash.
"Let's deal with it." We slowly crept up to the shack. Louis readied his bow as I held my cleaver.
"On the count of three," I whispered.

Rosie barged into the shack, growling at the people who took residency in it. A feminine shriek pierced my ear drums as a boy came running out of the shack, holding a pistol aimed at me. I held my hands up at Louis aimed the bow at him.

"Who the fuck are you," the boy yelled, still having the gun aimed at my forehead.

"The better question is why are you too in our shack," Louis fired back with venom in his words. Rosie came back outside and sat at my feet, ready to attack. A girl in a baseball cap came out of the shack with a torn clothing and bloodybite marks from Rosie. Louis and the kid lowered their guns as they saw the girl.

"Clem," the boy ran over and hugged the girl as she looked at us, breathless and afraid.

"Look, we don't have anywhere else to go. We're sorry for coming here."

I looked at Louis and then back at the girl before stepping up to her.

"I apologize for our encounter. We thought you guys were raiders." She just shook her head, still shaking from her encounter with Rosie.
"If it makes it up to ya, we have a place not too far. And we have spare clothes for you."

Louis walked up besides me.
"I am also sorry for pointing the bow at the kid. Lets start again. Hi, my name's Louis and this here is Violent- I mean Violet." I elbowed Louis in the gut as the duo laughed.

"I'm Clementine and this here is AJ." Rosie barked and wagged her nubby tail as AJ stared at her.

"And this here is Rosie." Rosie walked over to AJ and licked his cheek before staring at Clementine.
"Rosie-" She whimpered and laid on her stomach infront of Clementine.

"I guess she's sorry? I'm a bit rusty in dog-to-english," Louis joked.

"C'mon. Lets go before we all freeze."

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