100 Chapter Special!

Start from the beginning

-For those who squeal and scream at those cute little moments-

A loud cackle echoed through the room, the man rolling around gleefully on your bed abruptly jumping up and flopping back down as a loud creak cried from the bed frame and mattress. You watched with a giggle and smile as the red-head completely focused on his new room in the sanctuary.

When he paused for a single second, you met his eyes. "Enjoying yourself?" you teased.

He clapped, jumping up. "Cicero very much enjoys this room! Thank you, thank you, dearest Listener! Cicero will always be by your side!"

The boisterous and happy words lifted your lips even further. "Good, good. I'm thrilled you like it."

"Cicero loves it! Here, loveliest Listener, look at the desk! And the rug- so, so pretty! Cicero cannot even begin to thank the kind, sweet ____!"

You blushed, "It was nothing, Cicero. You deserve this. Especially since it's a day of celebration, is it not?"

He beamed. "Which is why Cicero also got the Listener something. A very fitting something, for such a large gift the Listener has given to Cicero!"

Cicero scurried off to grab something, exiting the room and coming back in seconds with something behind his back and clasped tightly in his hands. He bounced over before kneeling before you (you were sitting on a chair) and presenting an expertly crafted daedric dagger, still residing in it's sheath.

You went wide-eyed, completely flabbergasted. "This is... This is for me?"

The assassin nodded enthusiastically. "Does ____ like it?"

"I love it!" came your squeal, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, Cicero!"

"Cicero is of no thanks, the Listener deserves it!"


-For those smutty readers, loving some good flirting-

With a soft huff, you twirled around slightly, trying to see your outfit in the mirror with fruitless outcomes. Guessing, you pulled on a strap at your waist, tightening the fabric to fit you. A knock sounded at the door, once, twice, and then the door creaked open.

You didn't have to even look back to know who it was. "Nazir, does this look good?"

Silent footsteps came to halt behind you, strong arms wrapping around your waist.  "Of course it does," was his low hum.

"Alright," you sighed, turning around to look up at him with his hands now resting at your lower back. "My face?"

"Even better," he smiled lightly, placing a kiss to your forehead.

You rolled your eyes. "You want me to change back in my armor, don't you."

"Well, I-"

"I know, my ass looks great," you said dramatically.

"Your ass looks great in anything," he defended. "I wasn't saying that. I was saying you look very... you, and I like it."

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