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We all burst into laughter at Namjoon's mishap with the broken glasses. It's moments like these that remind me of the friendship we share as a group, the bond that goes beyond music and performances.

As we continue to enjoy our meal together, I can't help but feel a deep appreciation for the friendships I've formed with each member of BTS. They've welcomed me into their world with open arms, and I've come to rely on their support and guidance.

"Sorry about your glasses, Namjoon," I say, trying to stifle my laughter.

"It's alright," he chuckles, placing the broken glasses aside. "Guess I'll need a new pair."

"Maybe we should get you a durable one this time," Taehyung suggests, earning more laughter from the group.

The atmosphere is light and joyful, and it's a noticeable contrast to the nervousness and pressure that had consumed me earlier. Being surrounded by these incredible individuals who have achieved so much in their careers is both humbling and inspiring.

As the evening progresses, we engage in light-hearted conversations, sharing stories and teasing one another playfully. It's in these moments that I feel a sense of belonging, a sense of being part of something greater than myself, which I have been searching all my  life.

After finishing our meal, we gather our belongings and prepare to head back to our respective rooms. As I stand up, Namjoon reaches out to me.

"Y/n, can I talk to you for a moment?" he asks, a serious tone in his voice.

"Of course, what's on your mind?" I reply, curiosity.

He leads me to a quieter corner of the room, away from the rest of the members. There's a contemplative look on his face as he takes a deep breath.

"I wanted to talk to you about your performance," Namjoon begins, his eyes fixed on mine. "You've been working so hard, and I know you're feeling the pressure. But I want you to remember something."

"What is it?" I ask, my heart pounding with anticipation.

"Music is not about proving yourself to others," he says, his voice filled with sincerity. "It's about expressing your truth, your passion, and connecting with others through that. Your talent is already undeniable, Y/n. Believe in yourself and let that shine through."

His words resonate deeply within me, stirring a mix of emotions—gratitude, inspiration, and a newfound sense of confidence that was never there before. Namjoon has always been a source of wisdom and guidance, and his belief in me means the world.

"Thank you, Namjoon," I say, my voice filled with sincerity. "I needed to hear that. I won't let the pressure overshadow the joy of performing and sharing my music."

He smiles, a mixture of pride and warmth in his eyes. "I know you'll do amazing. Just remember, we're here for you every step of the way."

With a renewed sense of purpose, I give each one of them a farewell and make my way to my hotel room. As I lie in bed, thoughts of the upcoming performance swirl in my mind. But this time, instead of anxiety, there's a sense of excitement and anticipation.

The following days are a whirlwind of rehearsals, interviews, and final preparations. The atmosphere is electric as artists from around the world gather for the Billboard Music Awards. We all share in the collective energy, united by our love for music and the thrill of performing on stage.

On the day of the awards, I find myself surrounded by the BTS members. There's a buzz of excitement as we make our way to the venue, fans lining the red carpet, cameras flashing in every direction.

As we step onto the red carpet, I feel a mixture of awe and gratitude. This is a moment I've dreamt of, and now it's becoming a reality. The support from fans and the cheers from the crowd only amplify the emotions running through me. 

Finally, the moment arrives for my performance. The stage is set, the lights dimmed, and I take a deep breath. The music starts, and I let myself be carried away by the rhythm and the emotions.

As I sing, pouring my heart and soul into the performance, a sense of serenity washes over me. The nerves that once threatened to consume me now fuel my energy, propelling me forward. In this moment, I'm not just performing for others—I'm embracing my own passion, sharing my truth, and finding my voice.

And what's nicer than that. Finally I'm not ashamed to show myself to the world.

authors note:

hello hello, it's been a while hasn't it? one of my goals for this year was to stop postponing this story so much and I've finally taken action. It's really hard to continue writing something when you don't know exactly your initial purpose. But I'll try my best to finish this book so everyone can enjoy.

stay safe <3

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