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Today I get to go to the concert... but with two bodyguards as my date. Ever since news got out that I'm Namjoon's sister I've been receiving hateful comments and a handful of threats.

But of course there are the supporters. The nice and wonderful comments that always cheer me up. I'm always thankful for those fans.

I've also met Meji, Hoseok's sister, who's been helping me ignore the public. She's really amazing and we've found a lot of mutual interests. She'll also be at the concert which makes me feel a lot better.

When I arrive at the concert I'm only allowed to stay backstage. I can't watch from the audience like a normal person because apparently people might notice me.

I sit backstage and wait for meji to come. The boys aren't able to pay much attention to me, as they're preparing for the concert.

"There you are!" A friendly face walks into the room.

"Hi Meji!" I stand up and go to hug her.

We talk for a couple of minutes on how excited we are for the concert. When she says:

"So how are you getting used being in the public eye thing?"

I take a long pause.

"Honestly it's still really hard to get used to it. I honestly don't know how celebrities do it. Everyone watches their every single move. I mean one wrong move and you're out of the industry." I say signing.

"Ahhhh I know... but look at me I'm taking this whole celebrity thing to my advantage. I'm using it to promote my clothing line." She saying trying to cheer me up.

I smile at her it's amazing how optimistic she is. I need a lot more people like her in my life.


When the concerts over I give me usual hugs to the members and tell them what a wonderful job they've done.

Jungkook takes me hand into his and kisses my cheek lightly.

"Ahhh we agreed no PDA!" Jin points out in disgust.

Jungkook looks around the empty room. "But no one is here beside us."

"WE'RE HERE! So keep the PDA low." Jin adds crossing his arms.

I go over to Jin and hug him tightly. I admire his protective side. If it weren't for him I'd always feel like I don't belong with them. He makes me feel wanted in BTS.

I watch as Jungkook stares me down in jealous. As usual his tongue is pressed to one of his cheeks. He's been doing a lot recently whenever he gets angry.

I walk over to him and whisper.

"Is someone jealous?" I start walking away but he quickly pulls my hand and I stop.

"Come on we're leaving. I'm tired anyway."

"Heyyy I thought we were going to get ice cream after!" Tae pouts.

"Sorry duty calls." Jungkook says as he's dragging me out of the dressing rooms to the car.


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