Chapter 23: attempted murder

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I sigh as I close my eyes.

I tried messaging Kaden the whole time, why? god i'm such an idiot- he's the one humiliating me but i'm the one searching him up, but I need to talk to him. I need to clear things up and so does he. I'm going to tell him to leave me alone, or well- when he fucking answers my messages.

It's weird that the messages aren't getting delivered. Is his phone broken or something?

Or maybe Chase gave me the wrong number?

Jesus Christ this is annoying.

I don't know why I'm so worried about it either, it's not that Kaden means something to me or something. I check my phone one last time to see the same thing: not delivered.

I sigh and turn my phone off.

You need to sleep Faith. Sleep.

I do my simple night routine and jump into bed.

I decide not to read a book since it's 12 am and I have school tomorrow.

I stare at the ceiling, thoughts running trough my head. I'm so damn confused, by everything.

After Chase told me that- I don't even know what the fuck I would do, I still don't know what the fuck I will do.

After some minutes of twisting and turning in my bed i get up, this can't be it. I go too my closet and put on a hoodie and some shorts and run downstairs and out the door.

It's quiet and quite calming at night until i reach the bar. i guess this is where he would be. I walk in slowly while everyone has their eyes glued at me, wrong outfit for a bar i suppose and continue my goal too find Kaden...and so i did.

Far into the bar i saw him sitting with two girls in his lap while drinking something, god knows what. I walked up too them and got gross looks by his friends and could finally get his attention,

"Faith? what are you doing here?" he got up and made the girls find another lap seat and walked up too me "And what the hell are you wearing?" he asked but before i could answer her grabbed my hand and let me out of the bar. "Wtf are u thinking coming here?!" He yelled at me and i was startled.

"I needed too see you" i said in a soft voice and started backing up when he got closer too me, until i got met by the brick wall of the building.

"whys that princess? missed me already" He said as i felt his breath against me.

"don't you dare. call. me. that." i said as i tried pushing him away from me, but he wouldn't let me. he grabbed my hands that were on his chest and sighed.

"I'm sorry"

i stopped struggling and it felt like i froze in time, i slowly looked up at him and our eyes met. "you're what?" i asked in disbelief

"i said I'm sorry i fucked up okay?" he said and looked down at me

i couldn't believe i got Kaden Black too apologise too me. "Do you think I'm dumb?!" I yelled and finally pushed him away and started going away.

"WHAT?! thats it?! you're just gonna walk away from your problems because thats what faith does best!!" He yelled and i stopped in my tracks feeling my heart hurt, how dare he. I turned too face him but we were now 5 feet apart.

"thats what i do best?! REALLY?! YOURE THE ONE WHO-" my sentence stopped there because i knew if i continued my voice would crack... i took a deep breath and looked at the ground because the sight of him drove me insane.

"Im the one who what??" he asked angrily and got too me and made me look at him.

- Kadens POV -

I could see the tears forming in her eyes and i hate that i did this too her, why- why do i even give fuck god.. but i do, i really do and for what? so summer wouldn't leak my secret, god i can't stand her being this hurt.

"You- you" she stuttered out and i grabbed her face in my hands "Im an asshole" i said and a tear slipped from her eye onto her check and i quickly wiped it away. "yeah..." she let out like a whisper and only because i was so close i could hear.....

"you humiliated me"

"I know"

"you hurt me"

"I know"

"You played and lied too me!"

"I know! GOD" i let go of her and turned around placing my hand on the brick wall leaning against it "I know okay..?"

she didn't say a word, not a single whisper. But suddenly i felt a hand on my shoulder and i could feel the soft breeze of roses of her perfume and her soothing touch... no stop wtf am i saying? fucking lame bitch

"Why..?" she finally let out and i knew she meant the video.

"i dont know" i sighed

"you do"

"i dont"

"you do"

"I SAID I DONT!" i screamed at her and she backed away with another tear on her cheek this time. i turned too her and took a hand through my hair "i didn't know Summer would leak it okay? she has something on me you gotta believe my words" i said and she finally looked at me

"You wanted too kiss me" she asked and i didn't know what too say, and like an idiot i didn't say anything. She nodded her head and turned too walk away but before she could i grabbed her hand and made her look at me.

"im gonna take you home okay" i said and she got out of my hold and shook her head "No I'm not going anywhere with you" and wiped her tears

"cmon you're probably cold in those shorts"

"Im totally fine"

I sighed "the reason...god fuck-" i didn't make eye contact with her and looked at the ground while fiddling with my shoes. "I went along with summer leaking it because if i didn't she would tell the principal and the police of what i did" I slowly looked at her and she looked so confused and cute but i continued "I did something Faith, something bad" i swallowed and leaned my head against the brick wall "i almost"

"Almost what?"

god her impatience is killing me.

- My POV -

God i was getting impatient, when he didn't say anything but stutters i started walking away when-

"I almost killed someone" he let out. In that moment i didnt know if i was dead or alive.

My heart was raising and he got closer too me and put his hand on my shoulder but i quickly slapped hum off and turned too look at him " what" not gonna lie i was pretty terrified

"I was mad and i-"


"I had no choice Faith"

"You always have a choice, just- just leave me alone" I said and finally walked away from there....

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