Chapter 7: prankster godess

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Im going to London.

Jordan just seems to always convince me to do what he wants. I won't be surprised if he told me to jump off a cliff and I would do it.

We're in the bus now and everything already annoys me. The smell, the loud talking children, the MUSIC! Just everything is getting on my nerves.

"Okay kids, we are going to the airport. The bus trip will take like 4 hours since you lot live in a small town. Feel free to make yourself comfortable, eating is allowed and we will take toilet breaks. I wish you a safe trip." The chauffeur says.

I immediately moan in annoyance.

"I didn't know I could make people cum when they don't even look at me" someone from behind me says, I frown and look at the person who just made a dirty comment.

Kaden. Of fucking course.

"Keep dreaming." I respond clearly not in the mood to chit chat.

"How can't you be attracted to him!" Jordan yell- whispered which makes me roll my eyes.

"He is an asshole, that's why." I respond casually.

"But he is hot." Jordan defends him.

I sigh. "He isn't even that hot." I bring out.

I tried to convince myself.

But with Kaden's dark brown- almost black,- messy hair, his deep, bright blue eyes, full lips and British accent he can get every girl drool over him.

But that doesn't change the fact that he is an asshole.

I hear the song 'seven rings' coming up on the radio in the bus and I roll my eyes.

I fucking hate this song, it's overrated and not even good.

"Misters Greenpeace!" I yell at our teacher. The  man walks out of his seat and walks to me.

"What is it, Stone." He says annoyed.

"Can I change the music?" I ask sweetly. He sighs.

"What Is wrong with this one?"

"It annoys me." I respond.

"Well, you're not the only one in the bus. The next song will come up as soon as this one ends. Have patience." He says with a bored undertone.

"But I don't want to wait!" I cry like a baby.

"Your bad." He says as he walks away, back to his seat.

When he wants to continue reading his paper, I start to call him again.

"Miss Greenpeace!" I say.

He looks up from his paper. "What"

"I want to change the song."




I sigh as a plan comes in my mind. I'm going to annoy people. I watch my side to see what Jordan is doing to see him lying on the window, sleeping as a baby. I smirk.

"I want to change the song?" I say to misters Greenpeace.

He shrugs his shoulders as respond. "And I want to read in silent. But guess what! I can't, and why not? Because a girl, called Faith interrupts me!" He says, really angry at me.

I roll my eyes and stand up.

"What are you doing."

I don't respond to him as I walk to the radio, at the beginning of the bus and turn it off.

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