Chapter 19: fuck you too

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Jordan's POV -

I walked into school with his hand in mine, it was like sparks where going through my whole entire body as his hand hugged mine just a bit tighter then before.

we weren't supposed to go public with it up when he held my hand so causally i couldn't help but flush.

As we walked down the hallway i could feel his eyes on me, "chase-" he pushed me against the locker and came closer "chase what are you-" i didn't get to finish the sentence as his lips crashed onto mine, they were in perfect harmony as his hand reach down my chest and around my waist.

Our lips kept moving in sync as he pressed me against the locker and got more heated.

My hands trailed up to his hair and pulled him closer.

I pulled out for a second for air and I let out a gasp which caused him to smirk and kiss me again.

I was happy, but still. There was that one voice in my head screaming that this wasn't right.

Not like this, not with out Faith.

But- I ignored the voice, Faith messed up. She messed up real bad.

Maybe I'm better with out her anyways.

- My POV -

My heart breaks by seeing the scenario in front of me.

Chase and Jordan.


Each other.

It's not that I'm not happy for Jordan, but Chase? Chase?

I have no right to be mad at him, I don't wanna be like Jordan last week.

But Jordan is making my mistakes? He's doing exactly what he's mad at me for doing, and even worse because he actually is kissing Chase.

Chase the asshole.

I don't know what his game is. First Kat, then me and now Jordan? Who's next, kaden?

I don't realize that the guys have stopped kissing until I see them walking up to me.

My eyes directly connect with Jordan's. I look at him with regret, he looks at me without emotion. This is not right. Jordan, with no emotion?

The rainbow- literally- in him has turned into a black cloud. What the fuck.

"You saw something you shouldn't have seen, sweetheart." Chase interrupts my thoughts.

My eyes now look at Chase's and I frown.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

Chase rolls his eyes and casually leans on the locker next to mine. Making me extremely nervous since he's so close by.

Yes, after all, my stupid ass still gets nervous by any male -except for Jordan- being close to me.

"You know what I mean, me and Jordan." He wiggles his eyebrows which looks funny but I try not to laugh.

Not the right time Faith.

"You mean you two exchanging saliva bacteria?" I ask innocently.

"Yeah that thing we did too." Chase says grinning.

I see Jordan his jaw getting tightened and sigh.

"What do you want, Chase?" I ask, tired of him playing these sick games with me.

"What I want to do right now or what I want from you?" He smirks.

Jordan pushes his shoulder. "Behave yourself jerk."

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