Chapter 6: what best friends are for

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"If a baby leg pops out at 11:59 pm, but the head pops out at 12:01 pm, what day was he born?" I ask Jordan.

Jordan shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know, both?"

I frown, "but when someone would ask them 'when is your birthday?', they would say both dates?" I ask stupidly.

Jordan sighs. "Faith, why are you asking me this, you know my brain doesn't function at 11 pm?"

I roll my eyes. "Your brain never works in the first place."

After having said this Jordan throws a pillow at me. I groan as I pick up the same pillow and throw it back at him. This continues for some minutes until we both lie down on the floor, tired of life.

"When do your parents come back?" Jordan asks And I shrug my shoulders.

"When they're done, I guess?" I respond.

'My parents are on a business trip, for almost a week now. And since I have no siblings, it's pretty lonely here.'

"Hey! You still have me!" Jordan shouts offended.

I frown, "did I just say that out loud?" I ask confused.

"No you typed it." Jordan responds. I roll my eyes.

"You really have to do something about your sarcasm boy." I chuckle.

"Says you!" He throws back.

"What do you mean? I'm the sarcasm queen." I say full of   -fake- confidence.

"Can I be your king then?" He asks smoothly. I roll my eyes again.

"Jordan, you're gay."

Jordan puts his hand on his chest. "Are you saying I can't be a king because I'm gay!" He cries, fake offended by my answer.

"You're so childish, no wonder you haven't find a boyfriend yet." I snigger.

I instantly regret my words as I see Jordan's face expressions.

"I'm sorry- I shouldn't have said that." I apologize.

He wives it away. "It's fine, those are only facts right?"


"Let's watch a movie" he interrupts me, I keep looking at him for a bit. The poor soul, he got bullied because of his sexuality for years, his parents didn't accept him so they threw him out. Now he lives in his own apartment, even though he is more with me then in his own house.

"Hey wait!" Jordan says, his mood directly changing.

"What?" I ask.

"I just got an email, from school." He says.

"And you're excited why exactly?" I ask blindly.

"It's about a trip." He responds, reading the email.

I frown, "let me look." I say as I go and sit aside him. Looking at the email on his computer.

"It says that we will go on a school trip soon, in London!" He shouts.

I roll my eyes. "I can see that Jordan, I'm not blind."

Now he is the one rolling his eyes. "This is going to be so amazing, Faith!"

I snigger. "Why are you more excited than me somehow?"

He shrugs his shoulders. "You're just dead inside."

I fake gasp as we both laugh.

"Do you think that this is a good combination?" Jordan asks me while holding a red t shirt with a black jeans.

"Yeah." I respond to him, deep in thought of what I should bring with me on the school trip.

"What shoes should I wear with it though? The red ones or the black ones?" Jordan continues.

I sigh. "Your red ones, obviously." I say in a duh- tone.

"Thanks honey." He responds.

I roll my eyes as I pick up some random clothes and put them in my suit case.

"Jordan." I say.

"What is it honey." He responds innocently.

"First of all can you stop treating me as your wife, you're gay for fucks sake." I say, quite annoyed.

He rolls his eyes. "Are you breaking up with m-" he starts, tearing up like a baby.

I sigh. "Jordan-"

"No, I get it. You don't want me as your husband anymor-"

"JORDAN LISTEN TO ME!" I interrupt him. He stops with talking instantly, a little bit scared of my attitude.

"So, I don't wanna go to London." I say simple which makes him chuckle.

"But didn't you notice you don't have a will?"

I roll my eyes. "No serious, why do I have to go again? I just wanna stay here, watch some Netflix, do my homework. It'll be fun." I say.

"Honey, you have no friends." He responds.

I gasp, fake offended my his words and glare at him.

"Yes I do!" I scream, deafening myself.

"No you don't, Kat was your only friend. And now because of Chase."

When he says Chase, his cheeks turn a little bit red which makes me frown. But I decide not to ask something about it, he just thinks he is hot. Just like everyone else.

"But I have you." I finally say. Smiling at him, Jordan smiles back.

"I know you have me, without me you would die. Obviously." He says high class which makes me roll my eyes.

"You're so stupid." I say.

"But you love me." He responds chuckling.

"Only if I don't have to go." I say.

"You're going."

"Then I don't love you." I answer in a childish way.

"You're going, with love for me in your heart."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not going to London!"

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