Chapter 30 - All alone

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my heart dropped, head full of unanswered question.

The man before me grew more irritated by the second i went without a response.

with my hands sweating, headache increasing
and blood running down my leg i was in panic, every bit of me told me to tell him where Kaden was..where i saw him last, to just let me go...But i couldn't. that little bit of me who...cared for Kaden told me to run..

And so i did.

with every last strength i grabbed a shattered concrete piece from the street, got my way up and smashed it into his head.

His body fell to the ground and my tears came flooding out. blood was dripping down his forehead and created a huge pile of blood on the sidewalk. my own breath got hitched in my throat as i tried to take a breath after another but every time a loud yelp of fear tried to escape and i stood before the bloody cold...

...dead body...

my whole body collapsed to my knees right before him as i desperately tried to find a pulse on his body, my shaky hand traveled up to his skull where the concrete hit, a deep wound had been me-

The tears had clogged my vision and i kept drying them off, blood now covering my face and hands trying to make the bleeding stop, trying to save this fathers life...Kadens father...
but it was to late...the body has had its last breath...thanks to me.

my shaky hands left the corpse, covering my mouth in disbelief, crying and screaming. but no one, it was useless...i killed someone...and i'm all alone...

He's dead..He's DEAD! because of me? omg

i started hyperventilating and got up, my legs almost made me fall to my shame as they continued to shake. My tears had almost dried out and i kept looking, trying to understand how i could be capable of something like this... but everywhere my mind tried to go it always landed back on him...on Kaden on- how he will react...i MURDERED his father..cold blooded murder...i'm-

"no- no- no" the tears came back, washing away some blood from my cheeks, pulling my head, my hair realizing that this is reality, i'm not dreaming. "NO!" i yelped into the nothingness falling alongside the corpse once again.."i-I'm so sorry" my voice got caught in my throat once again "please" i begged, anyone "this can't be happening- no please" the corpse has lost so much blood that the hue in his skin had turn lilac gray...the veins had disappeared and body...was lifeless, he's really gone...and it's all my fault

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