Chapter 11: why me?

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I missed the trust game after been forced to clean up after the prank on chase but honestly it was totally worth it.

It was time for Kaden to get pay back for everything he has done and by that- I mean he's gonna get the biggest prank of all time.

Most people were done with my pranks but Kaden and chase hasn't known me for that long and it's probably new too them. But I'm the queen of pranks.

I grabbed my stuff and opened the door to kadens room slowly looking if he's inside or not, thank god he wasn't, neither were the other guys.

I went in and set everything up, I put a lock on the very small walk in closet in the room, -how can they have it and not us.- They barely even use it.

My plan was to slam the door shut once Kaden walks in to change so he'll be trapped and probably panic.

I heard footsteps get closer to the room.


I hide behind the door, my breathing was heavy and a smirk started to grow on my face, I grabbed one of the shirts and put it over my feet so he wouldn't see them. Even tho I'm behind the closet door.

I saw him nearing the closet, his breath was heavy as he let out a grunt. I don't know what was happening but it sure as hell made me confused.

I was kinda nervous at this point and I couldn't move, god I really had to move at some point.

I barely had room behind the door and I hated small spaces.

As soon as he went in the closet I could feel a hand on my wrist- what the-

Someone dragged me into the closet with them fast. I screamed in surprise as the person was behind me and the closet doors got slammed shut, the person put his hands on my mouth.

I tried to scream and get out of the strong grip but it didn't work.

As soon as I stopped resisting he let me go and I fell to the floor in exhaustion of trying to get free.

I felt the stranger kneel down in front of me, I could barely see his face as the closet wasn't very light and big.

A stream of light from outside came around the door and Into the small space allowing me to see his face.


"Hey" He said in a calm voice.

I was shaking- how could he have known I was behind the door.

"What are you-" he cut me off

"You really tried to prank me?" He said in a chuckle.

"Well I-" I started "no that's not how it works, I'm the king of pranks, so back off" he said with a smirk.

I stood up fast and so did he, and that's when I realized how small of a space it is. We were face to face, inches from each other as our breathing got heavier.

"Let me out" I said quietly.

"I can't" he answered "why the hell not" I asked and he shrugged "I don't have the key" what does he mean he doesn't have the key- oh god I'm trapped

My breathing got heavier and as I looked around everything started to spin, every piece of clothing felt blurry, I looked up at Kaden who looked confused at me.

I shook it away and tried to focus on my sight who slowly came back as I calmed down a bit.

Until I heard a crack.

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