Chapter 28 - "As you said: There is work to be done!"

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When Polaris awoke in the hospital wing, she noticed a wand on her bedside table, with a small note beside it, written in fancy cursive writing. Which said:

Your new wand, the other got snapped!


She picked it up and inspected it, as she did, she felt tingles all over her body, it felt weird but pleasant and she saw the wands tip flash a golden colour. She slipped out of her bed and pushed her hospital gown's arms up. You could see the scars from the vines, but right now she didn't care. She had important things to do.

"There is work to be done!" Dumbledore told the group around Harry as Polaris began to wrap her black hair up into a messy bun. " I right in thinking that I can count on you and Arthur."

"Of course you can!" Mrs Weasley answered, and she looked a little white. "He knows what Fudge is. It's Arthur's fondness for Muggles that has held him back at the Ministry all these years. Fudge thinks he lacks proper wizarding pride!"

"Then I need to send a message to him!" Dumbledore said as Polaris tried to remember a certain spell of her own. "All those that we can persuade of the truth must be notified immediately and Arthur is well placed to contact those at the Ministry who are not as short-sighted as Cornelius!"

"I'll go to dad!" Bill spoke as he stood up. "I'll go now!"

"Excellent!" Dumbledore smiled slightly. "Tell him what has happened. Tell him I will be in direct contact with him shortly. He will need to be discreet, however. If Fudge thinks I am interfering at the Ministry-"

"Leave it to me!" Bill assured the man.

He clapped Harry on the shoulder, and kissed his mother on the cheek, before he quickly left the room.

"Minerva!" Dumbledore said as he turned to face McGonagall. "I want to see Hagrid in my office as soon as possible! Also - if she will consent to come - Madame Maxime!" McGonagall nodded and left without a word to anyone. Polaris sat down on the edge of her bed, she was gonna wait for them all to leave to leave herself, but waved her new wand, muttering her unregistered spell.

"Poppy!" He said. "Would you be very kind, and go down to Professor Moody's office, i think you will find a house-elf called Winky in considerable distress! Do what you can for her, and take her back to the kitchens. I think Dobby will look after her for us!"

"Very - very well!" Madam Pomfrey said, before she left too. Once the doors shut, Dumbledore spoke again.

"And now!" He said. "It is time for two of our number to recognise each other for what they are. Sirius....if you could resume your usual form!" She instantly groaned, she was doing well with him not speaking, granted they exchanged a few letters. Yet, he was here now, it didn't make her happy, and wanted her to leave already. "You too, Raphael!"

Suddenly, the shaggy black dog turned into Sirius Black. A very ragged and sickly looking man, with matted hair and he looked rather thin, and he had the start of a beard forming. The bat then turned into Raphael Santanico. He looked a lot better and neater to Sirius, but still looked ill.

She rolled her eyes as Mrs Weasley leapt up and away from the bed. Though, Raphael looked rather amused. "Sirius Black!" She shrieked as she pointed a finger at him.

"Mum, shut up!" Ron yelled. "It's ok!"

Polaris watched as Snape glared at the man, and Sirius glared back at him, and it was very intense. "Him!" Snape snarled as he stared at Sirius. "What is he doing here?"

"He is here at my invitation,"Dumbledore said as he looked between the two, "as are you, Severus. I trust you both. It is time for you to lay aside your old differences, and trust each other." Polaris watched as they eyed each other and noticed Sirius was standing in the line of her trunks path.

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