Chapter 27 - "Arcturus likes to over exaggerate matters."

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Polaris was headed down to the Hogwarts Express, her trunk floating beside her as she went. Her, Angelina and Alicia were all discussing what their plans were for the future and as they did Polaris suggested that they should visit the Weasley twins' shop in Diagon Alley over the summer to just see how they were doing, and how their shop was going. Polaris mainly said it because she knew the second that Angelina walked in George would most likely loose his shit.

As they approached the Express, Polaris saw Atticus looking at her with a pointed look, and she told them that she'd be sitting with Atticus. So, the trio went their separate ways and both Polaris and Atticus got a compartment and Atticus instantly shut the door behind them. "It is quite peculiar that we've finished Hogwarts now." Polaris mused to her twin brother to diffuse the tension, and to lighten the mood slightly.

"Cut the shit, Polaris." Atticus snapped slightly. "Are you out of your mind? Me and Draco have heard about what went down and what you did. Are you completely insane?" He demanded of her. "You promised me, you promised that you wouldn't do anything stupid. Did you throw that promise out of the fucking window?"

"No, Atticus." Polaris said evenly. "I simply...decided to stop a man from dying. And in doing so I may have attacked a few Death Eaters." Polaris explained with a small wince. "But in my defence, they tried to attack me too!"

"Yes, I wonder why." Atticus mused. "Arcturus said you took out five different Death Eaters - including your own fiancé."

"Arcturus likes to over exaggerate matters." Polaris lied with a small shrug, and Atticus looked at her in a deadpan. "Okay." She gave in with an eye roll. "I attacked five Death Eaters, happy now?"

"No." Atticus snapped shortly. "I am not happy! You have got to be the most idiotic sister I have. You said you wouldn't do anything stupid, why would you even risk it?" He paused. "You helped get several of his Death Eaters locked back up in Azkaban - including dad. He's gonna want to kill you."

"He won't kill me." Polaris told her brother softly. "He'll want me alive. I'm a Seer, and of use to him. He won't kill me unless he really has to." She paused. "Though, I'm sure Amias is a different story. Apparently, Amias isn't exactly the best, and is a little psychopathic." Atticus simply shook his head at her.

"Polaris, we're not protected by school anymore." He told her softly.

"I understand that."

"Do you?" Atticus asked her. "Because the last I checked you went along and got on his radar pretty damn fast. Once on his radar, you will not get off it, and if you dare to go against him, you won't survive for long."

"I get that."

"Look, I don't want to be a Death Eater anymore than you do." Atticus told her. "But you can't go around associating with the people you helped in the Ministry. That'd be bad for you, and you need to cut all contact with them." Polaris watched as Atticus ran his hand through his white blond hair. "Just...just promise you won't do anything else stupid."

"I promise." Polaris nodded.

"I mean it." Atticus told her firmly. "We'll do the Unbreakable Vow if we have to. To survive the type of people we're about to be surrounded by you have to suck up what you don't like and get over it. You have to pretend not to care. You have to become emotionless with them, because they'll use any emotion to their advantage."

"I will." Polaris nodded. "I am prepared to do what I must so that we can all survive him. I will protect you, and Draco, and anyone else I have to."

The both of them looked to one another with smiles, and they both knew that no one would be left out in their family. Everyone would be asked to join him and his ranks, and they would if they were smart, and they'd run and eventually die if they weren't. Polaris hated to think about any of her cousins running for their life and dying at the hands of the Death Eaters. She had grown up with them all and she loved them all so much. She hoped that they'd choose right.

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