Chapter 19 - "Whoooo! That's my baby sister looking as stunning as ever!"

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It was finally the time for the Yule and Katie, Angelina, Alicia and Polaris were at standing in the sixth year girl dorm room. They all said they'd get dressed first, then they'd help Polaris get ready, they wanted to make her look stunning as they were all new found friends.

They had took the cover off of Polaris' dress and all looked at it awe, it was beyond stunning. Polaris was stood in her dressing gown and looked at the dress nervously. "Guys, it looks a little much!" She bit her lip nervously.

"Oh, shut up!" Angelina scolded her. "Nothing can be too much, especially when your a Gryffindor!" They heard a light knock and Polaris walked over to the door and pulled it open, and saw a fourth year Muggle-born, Hermione Granger.

"I, Erm, was wondering if any of you had anything that could sort my hair out!" Hermione told her nervously, Polaris watched as she gestured to her bushy hair. She looked at the girl for a second, before deciding to be polite to her.

"Come on in, Granger! I'm sure the girls can help!" She said as she opened the door wider and the girl walked in, she was already dressed in her dress, and Polaris noted that she had one similar to hers. She closed the door.

"Oh my, is that your dress?" Hermione asked her. Alicia and Angelina nodded in confirmation. "It's beautiful!" Polaris smiled slightly and muttered a thank you.


Polaris was standing before Angelina, Alicia, Katie and Hermione, she was ready. They all took in her appearance and they had huge smiles on their faces.

There Polaris stood before them in a white ballgown, it was slightly puffed out, but not too much. The chest area had real diamonds over the sweetheart neckline and up the straps, and a few here and there located where hers ribs were. She had white elbow length silk gloves to go with the dress. She had a diamond necklace round her neck, and diamond earrings that rested just above her shoulders.

Her long black hair was curled at the bottom and she had a tiny tiara atop of her head, with the red rose with gold glitter fitted perfectly on her tiara. She was also wearing a pair of six inch white heels, but you couldn't see them under her dress. "I'm jealous!" Katie simply said. "Your barely wearing any make up too!"

"I'm not so sure about the tiara!" Polaris said as she lightly chewed her ruby red bottom lip.

"Keep it on!" Hermione suggested to her. "We need someone to outshine Fleur, she can't come to our school and outshine us all! With the way you look, your bound to outshine her! And if people think you don't, they're surely blind!"

"Thank you, Granger!" She said with a small smile. She looked at the time. "I guess we should get going!"

"Yes, lets go!" Angelina beamed. "Fred's meeting me in the common room, but I'm still walking with you guys! Where are yours meeting you?"

"Common room!" Katie and Alicia said in sync.

"Adrian is meeting me at the bottom of the main steps!" Polaris told her.

"Viktor's meeting me there too!" Hermione told her.

"Well, you two can walk in front, while we walk behind you both!" Alicia said as they all left the room, and Polaris stayed back to walk with Hermione. She may not like Muggle-Borns, but Hermione was decent.

"Nervous?" Hermione asked her as they walked down the stairs, leading to the common room.

"A little!" Polaris squeaked out. "What about you?"

"A lot!" Hermione answered.

"Well, let's walk out there like we own the castle!" She said as she held her arm out, and Hermione looped her arm through hers and they got to the doorway, them having to walk out sideways.

When her and Hermione looked around the common room, they saw a few looks their way. "Ok, this is nerve wracking!" Polaris whispered.

"Tell me about it!" Hermione whispered, making the both of them burst out laughing as they walked towards the other girls and their partners. Angelina with Fred, Katie with George, and Katie with Sammie. They saw that Lee had gone with a seventh year girl.

"Ready girls?" Polaris asked them, ignoring the stares from the others.

Together they all walked out of the common room, her and Hermione still arm in arm. They could feel each other shaking slightly, but neither would bring it up to the other.


Atticus was with Adrian at the bottom of the main steps. "So, my twin sister!" Atticus casually spoke. "What are your plans?"

Adrian looked over at Atticus. "Merlin, Atticus!" He commented. "It's not like I'm gonna take her down to the forest and have a quick make-out session with her!"

Atticus narrowed his eyes at him. "You better not!" He whispered in a low voice that was kinda scary and intimidating.

Viktor Krum joined them at the bottom of the steps. They nodded at each other in greeting and they watched the stairs, awaiting the Gryffindor girl's arrival. They seemed they were waiting for years, before they heard laughing, and they all, except Atticus, tensed up.

They watched as two girls appeared in front of eight people behind them. One girl had her hair styled up in a elegant knot at the back of her head. She was wearing a floaty, periwinkle-blue dress that made her look quite pretty. She had a bit of mascara on, along with a little lipgloss. But she was nothing compared to the girl at her side.

The girl had a white ballgown, with diamonds along the mid-stomach up area. The rather low neckline was covered in diamonds, along with the straps. She had elegant white silk gloves that came up to her elbows. She had a beautiful diamond necklace around her neck, and had diamond earrings in. She had her long black hair down, which was curled at the bottom, with a tiara atop of her head with a rose with golden glitter fitted within the tiara. The girl also had a smile on her ruby lips.

Both girls had golden glitter all over their hair, it seemed Angelina, Alicia and Katie were adding the finishing touches as the two walked, and they seemed to be unaware of the golden glitter in their hair, that made the both of them look even better than they already did.

Atticus, Viktor and Adrian were all surprised to see Hermione Granger and Polaris Malfoy were walking down the stairs together, joint at the arm, both of them laughing at something Polaris had said.

They reached the bottom of the steps and they departed. "You look stunning!" Adrian told her as he kissed her gloved hand. Polaris giggled at his gesture.

"Thank you!" She smiled brightly. "Your look pretty charming yourself!" She looked to her twin brother. "You look good too, Atty!" She kissed Atticus' cheek, leaving a red imprint on his cheek.


Draco, Septimus and Cygnus were all waiting at the doors of the great hall, they were currently shut. Potter and Granger seemed to be waiting for someone nearby. "Guys, wait till you see my sister!" Draco said loudly to his friends. "She's definitely going to be the best dressed here tonight! Mother searched for the best of best dress for her!"

"Even better than the Veela?" Crabbe questioned. His question caused all three Malfoy boys to snap their heads in his direction.

"Are you stupid?" Cygnus asked the boy nastily. "Of course she's going to look better than the bird girl! Just you wait!"

At that moment, the doors were thrown open and a few Gryffindors cane through, then Viktor Krum and Hermione entered. "This is it!" Draco smiled as he bounced on his heels.

The next two entered and everyone were surprised to see who had came in. Adrian Puecy and, a very beautiful and elegant looking, Polaris Malfoy walked in. Everyone looked up at the two in awe and astonishment. "Whoooo! That's my baby sister looking stunning as ever!" Cygnus yelled out, which caused everyone to look at the new arrivals, which meant all eyes landed on Adrian and Polaris.

A few people were whispering with one another, causing Adrian to smirk out at them all, and Polaris to smile, but end up laughing at all the faces and at her brothers comment. She was gonna have as much fun as she could tonight, and she was gonna forget about all her worries, just for a night.

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