Chapter 17 - "Well, it depends!"

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Polaris has an idea, one that literally made her want to violently cry. She needed her gifts back, and everyone would be watching the first task, meaning both the Durmstrang ship and Moody's office will be completely empty.

Of course, she'd miss the first task, she'd miss the champions try and get an egg off of the dragons. She wanted to watch, she really did. But her gifts were much more important, not to mention that she had the possibility of loosing her eye sight. She'd be able to see, but she wouldn't be able to see like everyone else.

So, once she saw everyone heading down to watch the task, she tried avoiding everyone, and avoided people seeing her. Though, she did look a little sketchy sneaking around the castle. She was only on the bottom of the main steps, and thought everyone was gone. "Polaris!" Someone called out, making her jump fifty feet in the air.

She looked over to see Aerys and placed her hand on her heart. "Merlin, Aerys!" She sighed in relief it was someone in her family instead of someone else. "Don't do that!"

"Sorry, seems we're both running late!" He told her with a small smile. "Wanna walk up together?"

"Oh, I have to return this book to the library!" She lied to her cousin. "Go on without me, I'm sure I'll be there within no time!" She assured him with a small and soft smile. He gave her a weird look, and carried on, muttering something about Gryffindors as he went.

She sighed in relief and headed for Moody's classroom, she was going to try the classroom first. The Durmstrang boat was kinda creepy and she wasn't really jumping in excitement to see what was on there. So, she chose the classroom first.

She had to admit it was weird walking around the castle and seeing no one in the halls or corridors. It was weird not walking past anyone, she wasn't sure if she liked it or not. After all, the halls were supposed to be packed full of people, it was a school. She didn't even see Peeves.

She made it into the classroom and walked through the room, and climbed up the stone steps and got to the large wooden door. She pushed on the door, to find it was locked. "Of course it's locked!" She muttered to herself as she slipped her wand out of her pocket. "What Wizard holding a 'Seer's Demise' leaves his office door open!"

She pointed her wand at the door. "Alohamora!" She recited as she waved he wand in the correct movement. She pushed the door open, and it still didn't open. She groaned and rolled her eyes. "Reserare!" She recited with the complex wand movement.

She heard a click and sighed in relief, she put her wand back in her pocket and opened the large wooden door, before she walked into the room. Which were full of all kinda objects, a few of them were Dark Wizard catchers. She spotted a large chest far off into the room.

She walked further into the room, and the door creepily shut behind her, it closing with a loud click, which caused her to let out a small scream of surprise. But once she saw it was just the door closing, she sighed in relief.

She carried on through and up two steps, and saw a desk. She walked over and saw the black crystal ball on the table. She ran over and looked down at the ball. It was black and when she gazed at the ball, she could see the black colour moving about. She picked it up, when suddenly she spotted bottles of a gooey and black looking potion.

She instantly recognised the texture of the potion, this was Polyjuice Potion. But why would Moody need Polyjuice? She had no idea! Unless, he wasn't really Moody, but if he wasn't, who was he? She was really confused and suddenly wanted to get out of there, her brain was screaming for her to get the crystal ball and to leave. But her mind screamed for her to open the large chest.

Her brain had got her this far in life already, so she picked the crystal ball up, but as she did, her brown and silver eye glazed over and became a misty white and she received a vision.

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