Chapter 15 - "But he's not just some guy."

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Polaris was headed to Hogsmeade with Angelina and Alicia beside her - she had a busy day planned ahead for her. First, she was gonna go around the town with Alicia and Angelina before she headed to Hogs Head for this little meet up with them both, and then once it was over she was meeting up with Amias at Three Broomsticks once more.

The three of them were headed to go to a shop when she spotted a figure ahead - it was Gellert. Polaris let out a small sigh at his appearance and told the others that she'd find them, before she went and joined him, and he simply lead her towards the Shrieking Shack. They didn't stop until they both joined Regulus and she knew that this was serious.

He wouldn't come near the castle otherwise.

"Urm, hi." Polaris greeted them both.

"You have got to be kidding me." Regulus told her in a slight whisper, and Polaris decided to let him get his words out before she tried to defend herself. "You're marrying him? After what everyone's told you about him? What I've said, what that Nikos guy said, what Hyperion said, what my goddamn brother said! Did you just ignore it all?" He asked her as he raised his voice ever so slightly. "Well?"

"No, I didn't ignore it all." Polaris replied. "I listened and took it into account-"

"Did you?" Regulus cut her off with a snap, and Gellert, sensing a brewing argument backed up away from them both, and leant against a tree. "Did you really?"

"Yes, I did!" Polaris snapped back at him. "I really did, but you don't know him like I do. You only know his parents - I know him, and he's not like them at all. He's really not, and I love him, I really do. You've both lived your lives, and this is my life, let me live it in peace. It's my choice to marry him!"

"But it was first suggested by your parents and Voldemort." Gellert pointed out.

"Exactly!" Regulus said, and he shook his head at her. "You don't love him, Polaris, and you don't know him. He is exactly like his parents, and you're just too blind to see it. Too blind, or too stupid!" Polaris shook her head at him in disbelief. "He's a death eater for a reason, Polaris. Keep that in mind."

Polaris let out a bitter laugh at this. "God, you're such a fucking hypocrite, Regulus." Polaris snapped at him. "Besides, what do you know about love exactly? You spent all your life not being loved properly by both your parents, and then you eventually lost the love of your brother. Then you spent your life being a Death Eater - just like him - and then you died. So, tell me, what do you know about love?"

Regulus looked at her blankly as Gellert looked to Polaris and shook his head softly at her - that wasn't fair. It wasn't fair for her to say that to him. Polaris knew it was wrong to say the second it left her mouth, and Polaris licked her lips in regret as she waited for him to react.

"Maybe I don't know a thing about love." Regulus told her calmly, and she somehow found that it was worse if he was calm. "But I know that you will regret all this because you're being too blind and too stupid to actually see him for who he is. You will regret this - he will not let you leave him when you find out how cruel he actually is. I mean, you are marrying a Death Eater! You don't know what you're getting into."

"Then that's my problem, isn't it?" Polaris asked him. "Not yours, and not Gellert's. Mine!"

"Do you even hear yourself right now?" Gellert asked her. "Come on, Polaris, you're not an idiot. I mean, you're arguing with your own godfather over...some guy."

"But he's not just some guy." Polaris told him sadly. Polaris shook her head and ran her hands through her hair in frustration. "You don't get it - neither of you." Polaris then walked away from them both as she tried to force herself to not cry. She now felt conflicted about everything - she loved Amias, she really did. And they were just so damn adamant that he was a bad person - but she knew he wasn't.

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