Chapter 12 - "Perhaps you should take up a career in story writing."

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Polaris was eating her breakfast and just as she took a drink of her orange juice did the owls come swooping in to deliver mail. A silver owl came swooping over to her, before it landed on the table beside her and held its leg out to her. Polaris frowned and moved forwards to untie the letter from the owl's leg. Once the letter was untied, the owl took off.

Polaris turned the letter over and found that it was addressed to her in a fancy cursive writing. Polaris had a feeling she knew who this letter was from and she opened the letter up as she put her orange juice down. Polaris opened the letter carefully and it read:


I have found myself missing you terribly these past few weeks that you've been gone. I never realised how lonely I was before I met you - I just sit in the house and do nothing. No one to keep me company other than my house elves. I'm writing to ask you when this Hogsmeade trip is so I can finally know when I can get to see you once more. And so I can look forward to it.

I do hope you miss me as much as I miss you. I look forward to seeing you, my love.

Amias Chambers xx

Polaris grinned down at the letter in her hands, her smile was so wide that her cheeks ached a little. "Merlin." Polaris whispered to herself softly, before she ran a hand down her face, though her smile was still upon her face.

"Who's letter are you grinning at, Polaris?" Hyperion questioned her curiously, as he plopped down on the bench beside her, and he moved to peer towards the letter. Polaris immediately pulled the letter away from his line and view and into her chest.

"Why don't you stop being nosey, Hyperion?" Polaris asked him.

"Did I just see the name Amias Chambers?" He asked her with narrowed eyes before he looked between the letter and her.

"I don't know, did you?" Polaris asked him with a raised brow, as she neatly folded it and put it into her pocket. He narrowed his eyes at her before placed the Daily Prophet in front of her.

"Have you seen this?" He asked her.

"No." Polaris replied as she continued to eat her toast. "I don't get the Daily Prophet - most of the things they have to say are just boring. Much like this conversation."

Hyperion rolled his eyes at her as he pointed at an article and she decided to humour him and looked at it. It read that a man named Sturgis Podmore had been sentenced to six months in Azkaban for trespass and attempted robbery of a top-security department in the ministry. Polaris looked back at Hyperion. "Is this supposed to mean something to me?" She asked.

"It should because it was probably your boyfriend that kidnapped him, and made him do what he wanted through the means of the Imperius Curse." Hyperion accused Amias, and Polaris gave him a blank look. "Sturgis Podmore is a member of the little society you found out about - he went missing. Perhaps your little boyfriend kidnapped him before he began to snog you right there on the platform."

"Perhaps you should take up a career in story writing." Polaris mused to him. "Because clearly you have a very broad imagination. Look, just because Nikos hates Amias doesn't mean that he's a Death Eater. Besides, Nikos has a biased view. He's actually really sweet."

"Until he's not." Hyperion pointed out.

"Such an imagination." Polaris shook her head at him before she moved to stand. Polaris then left the Great Hall and went to write back to Amias as she pushed what Hyperion said out of her mind. Polaris was sat in the common room as she wrote her letter back to him.

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