Chapter 11 - "I'm thinking of not going actually."

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Friday had arrived rather quickly in her opinion, which she didn't quite enjoy. She was about to tryout for the chaser position in front of a load of people - she was feeling very nervous about it. Polaris was currently in her free period and she was in the common room doing work for Snape trying to ignore the fact that she was soon about to tryout.

"Are you ready for tonight?" A voice asked from beside her suddenly making her jump slightly. She turned and saw George and Sammie stood behind her chair, before they moved to sit on the table in front of her.

"Not really." Polaris replied as she went back to her potions work. "I'm thinking of not going actually."

"What?" George asked. "But Angelina really wants you to tryout. Why not?"

Polaris looked up at him and shook her head at him. "What do you think?" She asked as she put her homework down, and Sammie moved to read it despite not doing the class. "Well, I don't have a broom right now, and well, I have performance anxiety."

"Just borrow your brothers." George told her.

"Yes, because Draco is so kind he'll give me it." Polaris rolled her eyes, despite knowing that he probably would give her his broom if she asked him. George gave her a deadpan look, and Polaris let out a small sigh. "Well, I guess I could go. I did say I was going to. If you can do me a favour."

"What?" He asked.

"First, get your nosey friend to stop gawking at my homework for a class he isn't in." Polaris told him as she glared at Sammie sharply, who held his hands up and moved away from the work. "And ensure I only tryout in front of the team, and not anyone else who's trying out."

"I can do that." George nodded. "See, we're already getting along and you're not even part of the team yet." Polaris rolled her eyes as she collected her things up, and she shrunk it all with a wave of her wand, and placed it all in her pocket neatly. She then went to leave the common room.

"Where are you going?" George called after her.

"To ask my brother to borrow his broom." She called back to him over her shoulder.

Polaris searched for her brother for a half an hour before she found him as he was leaving his lesson. "Draco." Polaris called out, as she jogged over to him and caught up with him. "I need a tinsy little favour."

Draco faced her. "What?"

"I need to borrow your broom for an hour at five." Polaris told him with a hopeful smile. "Please? I'm trying out for the Gryffindor team - I might not get it, but I didn't bring a broom and-"

"Okay." Draco nodded at her. "You can borrow my broom. Just don't break it, or let any Gryffindor's touch it." Polaris rolled her eyes at her brother and assured him that she wouldn't let anyone other than herself touch his broom. She turned to leave, when he called out to her once more.

"I hope you get on the team." He called out to her. Polaris smiled back at her brother and nodded at him, before she left him to go to his next class with his friends. However, Draco didn't head to class, he went to go find Atticus to inform him about Polaris trying out for the Gryffindor team. Draco knew his sister and the Gryffindor's all had a sort of rocky past with one another, and knew that he and Atticus should attend the Gryffindor tryouts to support their sister.

Even though it was a different team to their house.

He knew that she must be rather nervous about the tryout's since she was doing it in front of a bunch of Gryffindor's. He knew that this was the first time since she had even thought about actually embracing the fact that she was a Gryffindor, or even tried to do anything that showed and displayed that she was a Gryffindor. And though he didn't like the house whatsoever, he was proud of his sister for finally showing some pride in her house, and who she was.

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