Chapter 24 - "It really doesn't matter."

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A lot had lead up to the moment that Polaris was currently experiencing. She had been to many muddy and frustrating quidditch practises, she had met up with Amias at Hogsmeade on Valentine's Day and he apologised for not writing to her so much as he was reuniting with his parents, and Harry Potter had had an interview with the Quibbler and outed what actually happened in June last year, and he mentioned her father in it, which really annoyed her.

But she got over it after a week.

Umbridge had also tried to throw Trelawney from the castle, but Dumbledore stopped her. She had also heard from George, since they were now friends again, and Angelina and Alicia that their little society was caught out by Umbridge. That was last night and when Polaris woke up she woke up to another stupid decree of Umbridge's. Apparently she was now Headmistress and Dumbledore had left.

Polaris looked at it in horror as her conversation with Gellert and Regulus a few months ago came back to her. Any death eater could waltz in at any moment and try and get their hands on Iola and her. Angelina and Alicia were still upstairs so she headed to the hall and threw herself down at the table.

"What's wrong with you?" George asked her as he turned from where his twin was talking with Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Umbridge is headmistress." Polaris grumbled. "Just what we needed." She paused for a second. "We could do with those horses right now."

"Horses?" George asked incredulously.

"Nothing." Polaris shook it off as she grabbed a goblet of orange juice. "It really doesn't matter."

"I should probably tell you that you should definitely be in the hall at lunch." He told her. "And nowhere else."

Polaris slowly faced the man as her face scrunched up in confusion. "That sounded vaguely suspicious." Polaris mused. "Why exactly do I need to be here at lunch?" George was silent. "George?"

"Okay, between me and you, there might be a few fireworks of our own creation released." George told her in an undertone, and Polaris widened her eyes upon hearing this. "So, make sure you're in the hall." Polaris only nodded back at him and she began to eat her breakfast as he went back to talking with his twin, Harry, Ron and Hermione as Alicia and Angelina joined her for breakfast.

When lunch arrived Polaris was in the hall just as George advised, and she was just about to eat when she heard a distant bang. Polaris, along with many of the other students in there, looked off to the doors with confused expressions. The bangs kept going and they all just focused on eating their lunch.

Once she had finished with her lunch she had began to head on outside to practise her divination with the water. However, on the way out the Professor that replaced Trelawney, a centaur named Firenze, approached her. "Off to practise?" He asked her.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Practise divination." Firenze told her.

"How...did you know that?"

"I know a Seer when I see one, Miss Malfoy." Firenze told her as he gave her a pointed look. "Some, like Trelawney, have a little amount within them. But you? You aren't effected by the limitations of your kind when it comes to Seeing. I wouldn't even be surprised if you could get a vision on will in the future." He looked at her. "You're a Seer with great capabilities, I know it. It's in the stars."

"I thought you weren't suppose to tell me." Polaris pointed out.

"Oh, I've checked several times." He told her. "Telling you that you're a Seer with great capabilities won't effect anything. However, if I were to tell you about those capabilities that would effect it." He assured her. "Although, sometimes, I find, that maybe we should go against what we see. With certain restrictions, of course."

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