Chapter 20 - "I can't tell you."

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November passed by quickly - she had served her detentions, she hadn't spoken to either of the Weasley twins since Fred had lightly threatened her, Gellert and Regulus hadn't spoken to her whatsoever and it was really starting to effect her. She didn't understand why they would just ignore her because they didn't like the guy she had fallen in love with. She was both upset and angry with them for that. She had written to Amias several times over the month of November and she had received note from her mother that they would be spending Christmas with the Nott's.

Polaris knew it was because Voldemort was still at their house, and that they weren't needed around there right now. She knew for a fact that they all wanted her and Atticus to become Death Eaters when they finished school. Though, Amias promised her that he'd visit her there during the holidays, so there was an upside. And it wasn't like she disliked Mrs Nott.

It was a few weeks until they went home for the holidays, and Polaris was up late at night doing the last of her homework in the common room when her eyes had began to feel awfully heavy. Her vision became blurry and her heart beat quickened, as did her breathing. Before her eyes clouded over and she was submerged by a vision.

Polaris was stood in the dark and the only light was the shimmering objects all around her. Suddenly a hiss sounded behind her, and she spun round and saw a huge snake slithering along the floor towards her. She closed her eyes and waited for the hissing snake to attack. As she did one word rang through her mind - Voldemort.

But it didn't.

It didn't even see her.

It slithered past her and she turned round and saw the snake gliding towards its real prey. It was a man slumped on the floor - she saw his chin was on his chest, and he looked weak. Polaris watched as the snake hissed once more, and it's tongue darted out, and she guessed it was tasting the man's scent in the air.

Polaris took a few steps closer and saw that the man was alive, at least for now. He was sat in front of a door at the very end of this corridor she was stood in.

Suddenly, the man became aware of what was gliding towards him, and he jumped up, and drew his wand from his belt. Polaris recognised this man - he had bright ginger hair that was thinning, and she knew that this was Arthur Weasley - father to the twins and Ron. The snake seemed to see the wand too, and it launched forwards towards the man.

Polaris let out a gasp and widened her eyes as she watched the snake plunge it's fangs deep into the man's body. Polaris watched as the snake just kept attacking, drawing back, and going back for some more, over and over. Until the man slumped down to the floor unmoving, and Polaris stared at the blood pooling around him on the floor.

The man was dying, and she had just seen it.

Polaris' eyes shot open and she was breathing heavily, she first worked on evening her breathing. Once it had calmed she immediately packed her things up, and took them up to her room. She dumped it all on her bed, and her heart was racing once more as she realised she had just seen someone's death. Polaris was shaking slightly and she stumbled to sit on her trunk.

But she was still shaking and she was still breathing heavily. She quickly stood and began to pace back and forth in a slight panic. "Shit, shit, shit." She whispered softly. She knew she couldn't tell a single person what she had just said because that would end badly - even if she had just saw someone die.

She couldn't tell anyone.

Polaris moved to clean the things off of her bed as she focused on ignoring it for now, and once she had cleared everything off her bed she sat down on it. As she did all she thought about was watching the snake attack Mr Weasley, she thought about watching its fangs dig deep into his flesh, as he bled out on the floor. Polaris ran her hands over her face, and she felt tears well up in her eyes. Polaris didn't see how being a Seer could be a curse for her until now, she now understood.

The door to their room was opened and Polaris was quick to wipe her eyes dry, and Angelina and Alicia entered and looked at her with frowns. "What's the matter, Polaris?" Alicia asked in concern.

Polaris couldn't tell them and she knew that, and even if she could she didn't even know how she'd be able to explain it. "I can't tell you." Polaris whispered as she stood and moved to leave the dorm room. She had to see if it was true, she'd go to the Black Lake, she'd do all forms of divination in order to find out.

As she moved to leave Angelina grabbed her wrist, and looked into her damp eyes. "Is something bad going to happen?" Angelina asked her, and Polaris stayed silent. But Angelina knew the answer from how she saw Polaris' eyes fill with tears once more.

Polaris left and first she went to the Black Lake to see if it was true - in the lake she saw the same images as the vision. Polaris shook her head to herself softly, and she looked to the skies to read the stars, and she found the same. At this point, Polaris understood that Mr Weasley being attacked by Voldemort's snake was going to happen.

When she returned to the dorm room is was half one in the morning and both Alicia and Angelina were asleep. Polaris tried to sleep that night, but she found that she couldn't, because all she saw when she closed her eyes was the image of Mr Weasley bleeding out all over the floor.


Polaris hadn't slept several days after the vision, it got to the point where she had to get a sleeping potion from Madam Promfrey in order to sleep. All of her waking thoughts were spent on thinking about her vision. It had been a few weeks until she had been able to sleep on her own, and to be able to go a day without thinking about her vision.

It was finally the last day of term, and Polaris had her things all packed already. She was looking forward to being able to get away from the castle. She spent the day mainly on her own as she thought about the vision - she knew it was going to happen tonight. Polaris became heavily conflicted because she felt so bad for not telling them about their father's attack - or at least telling someone.

But then she didn't want anything much worse to occur because she opened her mouth and prevented something that she wasn't supposed to prevent.

Polaris spent the next few hours debating with herself and it was around 11:49pm when she gave in. Polaris climbed from her bed and headed up to the seventh year boys dorm - she was sure that maybe they'd have time to save him right now. Polaris banged on the door loudly and continuously, and didn't stop until the door was opened by a groggy looking Sammie Pettigrew. His blonde hair was sticking up in every direction, and he was rubbing his eyes he looked down at her.

"Polaris?" He asked, his voice a little hoarse since she has just woken him up. "What in the...what are you doing waking me up in the middle of the night?"

"Just get George!" Polaris demanded, she guessed she'd rather tell George than Fred right now. Since she preferred him - Fred was a little intense.

"George?" Sammie asked her in confusing. "What? Why?"

"Just...just get him, right now, Pettigrew!" Polaris snapped at the boy slightly. Sammie grumbled softly, but did as she asked and after a short while he returned to the door with George, who looked very annoyed with being woken up. His hair was in the same state as Sammie's, she noted.

"Polaris, what the hell-"

"Look, I know that you kinda dislike me right now." Polaris quickly explained to him. "But your dad's gonna be attacked by a snake tonight, and he's gonna get hurt. Real bad." Polaris rushed out, and both boys looked at her in confusion. "Look, I know it's sounds...bizarre, but he's gonna be attacked. I should've told you sooner, I know. But..." Polaris shook her head at their expressions - it was clear they didn't believe her. She ran her hands through her hair, and she caught a few tangles as she did.

Polaris looked up at George. "I'm sorry." Polaris muttered. "I...I shouldn't have told...I'm gonna go. I'm sorry!" She apologised to him as she turned to quickly leave - they thought she was apologising for waking them up, but she was really apologising for taking so long to tell them, while she felt like an idiot for actually telling them since she wasn't supposed to.

Polaris made it back to her dorm, and she climbed onto her bed and drew the curtains around her once more. Polaris slowly fell back asleep, just as Harry dreamed of attacking Mr Weasley as the snake. As he did, Polaris dreamed of random and insignificant things - things that weren't as serious as someone being attacked and maybe killed by a snake.

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