Chapter 7 - "Well, maybe i don't want to be ladylike!"

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Cygnus, Septimus, Atticus, Polaris and Draco all walked into the Kings Cross station. Draco with a sneer on his face, glaring at the muggles hurrying past them all, in hurry to get to their destination. Polaris saw her father in the boy, and that saddened her. From what she had seen her father do over the summer, she felt sorry for Draco.

They had all put their luggage on the train and they were standing with Arcturus. "I wish I was still here, with the Triwizard Tournament going on!" Arcturus told them with a disappointed look.

"I don't see what's so good about it!" Polaris spoke up. "I mean, people have died during these tournaments! Doubt those that died during them find it fun and exciting."

"Well, of course they don't!" Draco told his older sister. "I mean, they're dead!"

"Mark my words, someone will die this year!" She told her brother with an unimpressed look. "Someone will die, and everyone will be all caught up with sorrow and all that, and I'll be there to say 'I told you so!'" She shrugged.

Cygnus let his elbows rest on her shoulder and leaned on her. "Oh, Polaris!" Cygnus sighed. "No one will die, I'm sure they've made it a lot safer than it was all those years ago!"

She rolled her eyes and shrugged him off of her. "Whatever you say!" She faced Arcturus. "Now, are you going to say goodbye, or are we just gonna let the train wait on us?"

"Well, they should wait!" Arcturus smirked. "Especially for the one and only Polaris Malfoy! If they'd dare to even leave without her, it'd be a crime and it would be punishable by death!" He then wrapped his arms around his little sister and hugged her. "You better write!"

"I will!" She said as she pulled out of his hug. "I mean, what else will I be able to do! I don't have these dicks or any of our cousins in my common room to annoy me!"

She then walked onto the train to go find a compartment, usually Atticus, Cygnus and Septimus sat with her. But right now, she didn't want to speak to anyone, and just wanted to sleep. She felt the familiar pull of sleep.

So she slipped into an empty compartment and decided to go to sleep. She didn't understand why she was so tired, after all, she had been getting quite a lot of sleep recently. And luckily, she hadn't had any of those weird dreams again, which lead her to think her dream at the World Cup was just a coincidence. And she fell asleep, knowing that she was safe to sleep without having a abnormal dream again.

Polaris was dressed in one of her fancy and grand dresses that she loved so much, and she was in a nice valley. The grass she walked on tickled her feet slightly, the bright breeze lightly blew her long black hair backwards and over her shoulders.

The sun was blindingly bright, and it caused her to squint her eyes as she carried on walking through the valley. She was walking along the top of one of the highest hills in the valley. When she spotted a young looking dark haired boy standing at the bottom of the hill, looking out at the grassy horizon.

Almost as if he could sense her gaze, he turned round and looked up at her. He just looked up at her, and as intrigued as she was, she went to walk down the hill and to spark conversation with him, though she got halfway down the hill, when an invisible barrier stood in her way and made sure she was unable to pass through.

"What the fuck?" She exclaimed as she hit the base of her hands against the barrier, when her hands touched the barrier, it burnt a little. She looked over to the, obviously, older boy and he walked over to her with a fond smile on his face.

"Cursing is very unladylike!" The boy spoke as he looked over at her with an expression full of amusement, but he held a fond smile. "Though, I suggest you don't hit the barrier too much. The burn will more than likely get more painful if you excessively hit it!"

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