Chapter 9 - "Wow, I can't imagine why."

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It had taken Voldemort mere days to get a time turner for her and they were stood in her back garden - Polaris had the plan seared into her mind and was feeling as confident as she could manage. Though today was her birthday and she found that before Voldemort showed up with the time turner that she was missing Atticus so much more. Voldemort said she would come back to this exact time - he had also assured her that she would be completely safe from the effects time travelling had on the body and that he ensured it so. Polaris knew that meant that he must've tested it on some unwilling individual.

Polaris timed it perfectly, and was quick to start spinning the time turner so she would leave at exactly 3pm. It took her around 15 minutes to do the correct amount of spins, and when she finally did the last one, did she begin to move through time. Polaris knew that with how far back she was going that she would grow dizzy, and she screwed her eyes shut and waited for the travelling through time sensation to fade.

It took a few minutes when it began to fade and she opened her eyes and became confused as to why she was somewhere different to where she was just - she knew she should have appeared in the year 1980 in the same place where she was just stood in back in 1996. Polaris stuffed the time turner into her dress pocket and put it down to the fact that it was because this was a modified time turner.

The first thing Polaris did was disapparate and she appeared in London, and from there she was going to find out what date and what time it was. From there she found at it was 3:02pm on the 5th of April, which meant that Cardan was to die tomorrow. Upon realising this she decided to quickly jump into action to get a place to stay for her stay here in this time.

Polaris had found a place to stay in the country so it was secluded and no one would notice the absence of the muggles that lived there, and the appearance of a young woman. Polaris didn't kill the muggle family, she only imperioed them to take a nice family trip to America. Polaris guessed using one of the unforgivable curses was much better than killing a whole family of muggles.

Polaris knew that Cardan died tomorrow at around 10:32pm as he duelled Alastor Moody in Knockturn Alley, and now that she was actually here she found herself a little scared to be facing Alastor Moody in his prime. She knew that during the first wizarding war that Alastor Moody was the best auror around and ended up throwing many Death Eaters in Azkaban, and killed a handful of them. He was great at magic back in the year 1996, which only meant that he would be much better here - he would be a faster duellist, a quicker thinker, and just someone she didn't want to cross.

So instead of staying up all night and stressing about it she simply went to bed early so she had a lot of energy tomorrow - enough energy to do what she needed to.

Tomorrow came by faster than Polaris wanted it to, and when she awoke she found that she had overslept by a few hours. It was 1pm, so she moved to get dressed into whatever clothes the muggles had - she had found a very thin tank top, and she found some ripped jeans so she pulled them both on, and found a denim jacket to go with it. She wrinkled her nose at the outfit - it was very different to what she usually wore, but she found that there was no use getting new clothes from this time as she wouldn't wear them when she got back to 1996.

Once she was dressed Polaris decided to make herself some breakfast/lunch, before she decided to leave to head to Diagon Alley. She would stay and linger around there during the day, and when it finally reached 10:15pm she would head on over to Knockturn alley.

Polaris spent her time having ice cream at Fortescue's shop, which looked as though it was new in this year. Polaris gazed round Diagon Alley and couldn't believe how similar it looked - except for Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. The bright and warm colours of the twins' joke shop was missing, and she found that without it, it did look a little dull and colourless on the streets. She also looked around at the people around her - it felt so weird to her that she was in a different time since it just felt the same to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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