Chapter 16 - "I hope the dragons don't burn you to a crisp on the way there!"

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It had been half a week since she wrote the letter to Sirius, and since she had lost her gifts and mental connection to Gellert and Mysterious Boy. She had to admit, she missed hearing them in her head. They were her best friends, and she needed them. But, upon them disappearing, she began to speak to her brother and cousins more often.

They were all concentrated on their own things, and they all understood why they had all been distant with one another lately. She was reading a library book that would help her at the Gryffindor table at lunch, when a letter landed before her. She finished the page before picking the letter up. She opened it up, and read it.

Polaris Malfoy

I just have no words to describe you right now, from everything you put in your previous letter to the stories I've heard about you, you really are a Malfoy! Snobby, Devilish, Cruel, Horrible. You seem to think way too highly of yourself. That's what you get for being brought up by rich gits for parents, and you were brought up by one of the richest.

Don't you ever let 'James Potter' come out of your mouth, and don't you dare mention him. You're not worthy enough to say his name, you don't deserve to know his name. It's your sides fault that he's dead and not with son, along with Lily. I'm sure if Voldemort was still around and alive, that you'd be becoming a death eater about now. He likes to get them young.

He'd have quite a few new Death Eaters, with you, your brother and cousins. There's like, 15 of you, isn't there? I guess we're lucky he's not around, right? Because, then we'd be able tell who is on his side, and who is on Dumbledore and Harry's side! Everyone will see you and your family for who they really are.

I find your comments about Voldemort to be lies, no Malfoy would ever think he's stupid, and they wouldn't even dare call him ugly, even when he was dead. And, right now, I feel obliged to do this, for myself. I may not be very attractive or good looking now, age and Azkaban have gotten to me, but I was rather good looking and very attractive in my younger years! I would ask you to ask Raphael, but you don't see him no more, do you?

Why? Is it because of what he is? If it is, your really are deep into the prejudiced views! That's horrible too, he looked after you and cared for you, and the second you find out what he is, you distance yourself. Or maybe it's just your parents denying you to see him! Who knows?

If anyone deserves a Dementors Kiss, it's you, darling Cousin.

Your cousin
Sirius Black

She was really annoyed, could he not just not write to her! She has important stuff to do, she has to get what belongs to her back. Someone had put a block on it, someone in the school, using dark magic. It wasn't gone completely, it would come back eventually, but it'd be extremely painful and she'd find herself loosing her vision if she waited.

She figured it was the same person who put Potters name in the Cup, so the past four days she had been keeping her eyes open and as analysed everyone intensely. The only people that were acting weird, that were able to do dark magic, was Karkaroff and Moody. There was something about him, she noticed that he'd always lick his lips like a snake.

She knew it was one of them, and she planned on figuring exactly who, right after she got her gifts back. She guessed she'd answer his letter, tell him to not write back to her. She may it slip that she knew who put Potter's name in, to taunt the man. She stood and went to go write the letter.


The way you think of me, and what you think of me are the least of my concerns and worries, they're not even on the same page, or book! I have more important things to worry about.

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