Chapter 12 - "Why are you still talking?"

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When Polaris went down to breakfast on the morning of the thirtieth of October, she found that the Great Hall has been decorated overnight. Gigantic and glamorous silk banners hung from the walls,each of them representing a Hogwarts house - red with a golden lion for Gryffindor, blue with a bronze eagle for Ravenclaw, yellow with a black badger for Hufflepuff, and emerald green with a silver serpent for Slytherin. Behind the Professors table, was the biggest banner of them all, which showed the Hogwarts coat of arms: lion, eagle, badger and serpent, all united around a large 'H'!

She sat down at her table, away from everyone else, as usual, and began to eat some jam on toast. She was halfway through her toast, when a letter dropped in front of her. She looked down and saw her mother's cursive writing. She quickly finished her toast and opened the letter.


We never mentioned the curse you have on you because we were unsure how you would react to being told that you had a terrible curse on you. We were originally going to wait for you to come to us about your worries and concerns.

Your brother, father and I didn't mean to offend you, or to anger you in doing what we did. We don't know much about the curse ourselves, no one alive does. I'm sorry, this does sound so unhelpful and unsympathetic, but really we know nothing about your curse.

Your Mother

She glared down at the letter in her hands, she waited two weeks for an answer, and all she got was a load of rubbish. She screwed it up and placed it in the table in front of her. She slipped her wand out, and pointed it at the screwed up letter. "Incendio!" She recited, and the paper caught fire.

She watched as it slowly burnt and she grabbed her things, getting ready to head on to her first lesson, which was Defence Against the Dark Arts, and she wasn't looking forward to it. She despised Moody, and she would often hear Gellert and Mysterious Boy make an odd comment, which made the lesson so much enjoyable.


She was daydreaming in Defence Against the Dark Arts, having a conversation with Gellert and Mysterious Boy. "Miss Malfoy!" A gruff voice snapped her out of her head, and she looked at him with a raised brow. "What's the best way to fight Inferior?" He questioned her.

"Fire!" Mysterious Boy answered for her in her head.

"The best way to fight Inferior is fire, I believe!" She answered, with a bored expression and tone.

He looked at her with his eyes spinning wildly. "Well, thanks for giving the class some new information, as we're not even learning about Inferior!" He growled, making Gellert chuckle inside her head. "I think you should spend less time in your head, and more time focusing on the lesson!"

"You see, sir!" She said, exaggerating the last word on purpose. "Your lessons just don't seem to interest me at all. I'm sure I'm learning more in my head, than in your lesson!" She could hear Gellert sniggering, she had no idea what he found funny. It was the truth.

"Then, why are you here, Miss Malfoy?" He growled out.

"It's said that I need to attend all lessons, instead of truant! If I had a choice I'd definitely be in a different class!" She commented. Then her and Moody had a little glare off, until he spun round and got back to teaching.

She rest her chin on her hand. She was about to continue the conversation with Gellert and Mysterious Boy, when she heard something in her head. "Fluer, Viktor, Cedric, Harry!" It spoke. "Fluer, Viktor, Cedric, Harry!" It got to the point where, the voice was screaming it in her head, causing a full ache to form all over her head.

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