Chapter 13 - "Crazy, huh?"

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When Polaris arrived at the Three Broomsticks she found that Amias was already waiting outside for her. "You're early." Polaris mused to him with a small smile, and he moved forwards and pulled her into a hug, which surprised her. She wrapped her arms around him, and hugged him back.

"Well, I was very eager to see you." Amias told her before he took her hand into his, and he lead her inside. They took a seat at a table and they ordered some food and drink.

"I'm surprised that you were able to make it tonight on such short notice." Polaris told him. "Since you're so busy and all that."

"Yeah, well, I dropped it all for you." Amias told her. "Tell me, what have you been up to since I last saw you?" He asked her, and she found that he actually wanted to know. Polaris then went on to tell him that she tried out for a chaser position in her house's quidditch team, and she told him that she had made the team, and she told him all about how her brother let her borrow his broom and about how she had fallen off her broom earlier today - she didn't mention that it was because she had a vision.

"And other than that, just homework." Polaris finished her explanation to the man.

"You fell from your broom?" Amias asked her in concern. "How on earth did you do that, may I ask?"

"Oh, I just wasn't paying attention." Polaris shrugged it off. "But my friend, Angelina, caught me before I hit the floor, so there's that." Just then their drinks and food arrived and they began to eat their food.

"So, tell me what you've been up to lately." Polaris told him.

"Me?" Amias asked her with a scoff. "I...I don't think you want to hear about my boring days." He let out a laugh, and to her it sounded a little forced. "It'd just bore you to sleep, in fact." Polaris looked up at him in suspicion and the things Hyperion said wormed their way into her mind.

"Very well." Polaris said quietly. "Oh, did you see the Daily Prophet the other day?" She asked him, and he only shook his head at her.

"Oh, no!" He told her. "The Daily Prophet isn't something I receive. Much too dramatic for my tastes." Polaris hummed with a nod. "But, do tell me what was in there that peaked your interest."

"Oh, it was just this guy." Polaris shrugged off, as she watched him carefully. While Hyperion didn't need to know that Amias was a Death Eater - she knew he was which meant that what he was saying yesterday was possible. "Something Podmore - he was sent to Azkaban for trying to sneak into some top security department in the ministry. Crazy, huh? I mean, why would someone even try to break into a department such as that?"

"I have no idea." Amias replied. "Was this this week?" He asked.

"I don't remember." Polaris answered as she took a drink from her glass. "I didn't read the article, it just caught my attention is all." They say in silence for a few seconds. "Anyways, enough about the ministry and their problems."

"Yes." He nodded. "I'm told that it's your birthday soon." He said, and she raised her brow at her. "And when I was told I absolutely knew that I was gonna have to surprise you with something."

"You really don't have to-"

"I am going to surprise you." He told her as he cut her off. "I've had a few ideas already. So, maybe tell me if you don't like surprises, because what I have planned is...a big one." Polaris assured him that she didn't mind surprises, which he was very glad for.

And while she was sat across for him she, once again, couldn't see how Amias was a bad person at all. Polaris didn't want to end up falling in love with a guy who was a bad person, and so he was always on the lookout for any signs that he was what they said. But everything everyone had told her, she just couldn't see how they related to him. Regulus told her he was dangerous, Nikos told her he was dangerous and that his family were murderers, Sirius had told her his family were dangerous and were responsible for some horrible things during the war, and Hyperion was trying to drill that thought into her.

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