Chapter 26 - "You really gonna rub that in?"

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It wasn't long before five of the Death Eaters had blasted through the other door that they had forgotten to lock, and Polaris turned and noticed that one of them was her aunt Bellatrix. "Well, fuck." Polaris muttered since she knew that Bellatrix was quite obviously the most insane death eater here.

But before she could even do anything she became submerged in a duel with Avery - she guessed he recognised her from outside this room. Polaris and Avery were neck in neck, and they were as good as each other. "Polaris!" Ginny suddenly yelled. "A brain is attacking Ron!"

"I'm a little busy." Polaris called back, as she continued to try and get the upper hand on Avery. But after a few seconds she realised that it wasn't gonna happen, so she swiftly brought her foot up into Avery's crotch. As he dropped to the floor with a groan, did she cast an extra strengthened stunning spell at him. Avery dropped to the floor unmoving a yard or so away from her.

There were now four death eaters and four of them. Polaris wasn't sure how all the others had become unconscious. Harry took off running and the four death eaters raced after him, and Hyperion, Polaris and Neville all looked at each other. "Neville, wake the others up." Polaris said as she moved to follow behind Harry and the death eaters.

Hyperion stopped her. "How did you know where we were?" He asked her as he shook his head softly.

"I saw it." Polaris replied.

"I thought you weren't supposed to change what you saw."

"I'm not." Polaris replied with a shrug as he and Polaris went after Harry and the death eaters. "Yet, here I am."

Hyperion suddenly stopped her. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" He asked her. "I mean, your about to come across your dad, your fiancé, your uncle's and your aunt. Are you ready for that, Polaris?" He asked. Polaris didn't reply to the boy, she simply carried on and ran after the death eaters and Harry, with Hyperion following behind her.

However, they reached the doors just as the Order did, all of which looked confused upon seeing Polaris there. But they all entered the new room regardless, and the entire room was submerged into chaos from there. Polaris faced Hyperion. "Get Harry and Neville out of here." Polaris told him.

"But - "

"Just try and do it." Polaris told him, before she joined the fight against the death eaters. Polaris saw that Nikos was duelling Muliciber and her father at the same time, but she saw Rabastan headed for him from behind. Polaris waved her wand, and Rabastan was thrown across the way and he crashed into her father.

Nikos looked back at her. "You're welcome." Polaris informed him.

"I didn't need your help." He told her.

"Sure you didn't." Polaris rolled her eyes, before she was face to face with Jugson.

The two of them became submerged into a duel, and Polaris had gotten rid of him after a few minutes, and she looked around for Sirius Black, and surely she found him and he was just beginning to duel Bellatrix, and Polaris knew she should probably get over there. Polaris began to make her way over when she came across Rookwood, and he still had blood over his face.

"Hi there." He growled her own words back to her.

Both Rookwood and Polaris began to duel each other - he was better than her at the spells, but Polaris was faster than him. Rookwood sent a killing curse to her, and Polaris jumped out the way. Polaris immediately thrust her wand in his direction, and the spell hit him right in the stomach, and he dropped to the floor with a low groan. Polaris began to try and get back over to Sirius, but Rookwood grabbed onto her.

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