Hades Finally Does the Thing

Start from the beginning

"Jackson," Harry said. "What are you doing here?"

Hestia stepped forward. "The war among the gods that we tried to stop, it's-- it's happening now. We came to the Underworld to find the Artifacts of Thanatos again. It's the only way to make the gods listen to us and stop before they destroy the world."

Harry went pale. In his ghostly form, it made him look almost as see-through as Macaria. "Where's Nico?"

"Dead," Will said. "No, worse than dead. His soul is fading. Unless we can save him, he won't come to the Underworld, he won't be reborn, he'll just... vanish."

"That's why we summoned you," Blaise concluded. "We think you were destined to unite the Artifacts if Nico hadn't. Which means you'd be able to wield them like Nico could. We know where they are, but won't be able to get them without your help."

Harry swallowed hard. "I-- I don't know. I'm only a wizard, a dead wizard. What if using them in their real form fades me ?"

Percy grit his teeth. "After what you did to Nico, you owe him this."

"I died for him!" Harry shouted. "Isn't that enough?"

"Oh, boo-hoo, you're spending eternity in Elysium with your parents," Percy retorted. "Hades wanted to throw you in Punishment. Nico was the one who intervened. He practically strong-armed Hazel into arguing on your behalf, even after everything you did to him! Without Nico, we've got no chance in stopping this war. Your world is in anarchy right now. The gods are ready to start armageddon. If you really want to make up for the mistakes you made, you'll do this. Now."

Harry looked like he wanted to curse Percy. But, slowly, that anger faded into guilt. "Sirius told me I should do something to fix my mistakes," Harry said. "I thought dying was enough, but... but maybe this is why I died. You said there are Fates, right? Well, maybe this is fate." Harry glided forward. "Promise me one thing, Jackson."

"Name it."

"You'll tell Sirius, Ron, Hermione, and Cho that I'm sorry I never got to say goodbye."

Percy nodded. "Deal."

Now that Harry was dead, he could navigate the Underworld pretty well. Not Nico well, but good enough that he was able to lead them to Thanatos. They ended up where it all began, between the Doors of Orpheus and the River Styx, staring at an office building made entirely of black mist. Familiar sulfurous gas surrounded the building. Hooded grim reapers flowed in and out of the door constantly, disappearing the moment they stepped outside.

"Thanatos," Percy said. He forced his voice not to tremble, and said what he thought Nico would've said. "I saved you from Gaea's chains. You owe me. I'm collecting on that debt. Speak to me, now."

Another hooded figure stepped out of the door, but this one looked a little more solid and a little taller than the others. He lowered his hood, and there was Thanatos, exactly as beautiful as Percy remembered. Will gasped. Blaise and Hestia started to shake.

"Yes," Thanatos said to the followers of Hecate. "It is hard for a mortal to see a god for the first time. Be thankful you do not stand in the presence of a greater god, or you would be in far worse pain. Ask your friend Cho Chang."

"Cho?" Harry asked. "She's-- she can't be--"

"Dead?" Thanatos asked. "Today, no. But not to long ago, yes. She served my Lord Hades for a time, though I believe she's broken her oath. Fortunately for her, Lord Hades no longer cares. She's served her purpose. With Athena on his side, he will recover the Philosopher's Stone from her as soon as the trial commences. Or so he thinks."

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