Starring: the Perrico Bromance

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Chiron hosts the Winter Solstice meeting early. Cho has a disturbing dream.


Chapter Rating: General Audiences
Content Warning: None
Word Count: 3774

What are you talking about, it's totally Monday! Okay, sorry guys, but I'm getting ready for C2E2 and I've been packing and getting my Bianca cosplay ready and... also work is a thing...

I promise I'll start posting normal days again!!!!!

Also, I started a new fic, Shoot an Arrow Through His Heart. Starring Bianca, it's a mortal, high school AU. Go to the link below to read the summary and first chapter, etc. I normally don't post two fics at once, but I'm posting Shoot an Arrow Through His Heart on AO3 and I wanted to sync you guys up with them. Once this fic (Ghosts of Millennia) ends I doubt I'll ever be updating two stories in tandem ever again. (Also I'm skipping posting on that story this week just so I can make sure it's 100% written)

And all the characters are owned by J.K. Rowling, or Rick Riordan.

Credits at the end.


When Percy and his friends got to the Hermes auction, Annabeth, Thalia, and Nico had disappeared. Percy wanted to go look for them, but Jason vetoed the idea. "Annabeth and Thalia probably want to catch up, and you know Nico needs his alone time. We'll see them later."

"Shh!" Piper said. "I want to get those arrows for Thalia!"

After a few hours (Piper gave Connor Stoll way too much money for the probably-stolen arrows) Percy went to search for Annabeth but came up empty. He still couldn't believe they were engaged. He remembered those times when Annabeth talked about their future; how her eyes would light up and her smile would betray her. She didn't pressure him into marriage, in fact, she never brought it up. But the way she talked hinted that she dreamed about them spending the rest of their lives together. He never made a comment; she would deny it and feel embarrassed and ashamed that she expected such a big commitment from him. That was the amazing thing: she didn't expect it. She wanted it. And Percy felt flattered.

After they finished their quest last year, they enrolled in New Rome University and moved in together. It was nice to get to see her every day, to get help or encouragement when his workload made him want to give up, to get easy alone time, to do mortal things like watch TV together, and to have someone to hold as he fell asleep. Yes, they argued and got on each other's nerves, but that was the norm throughout their entire relationship and friendship before that.

There were small moments: when they fell asleep on the beanbag chair together after a late-night movie session, the time Annabeth brought him dinner on the quad when he was elbow-deep in midterms, the post-it-notes she put on the fridge to remind about the plans he made with Hazel--or that Reyna wanted to meet with him--because he would forget otherwise. After a few weeks they fell into a rhythm Percy could no longer live without. Soon, a thought lingered in Percy's mind, and he couldn't chase it away.

Marriage. A family of his own. To have Annabeth at his side for years, decades even. He wasn't sure about it and didn't want to get her hopes up, so he used their roommate situation to ask her hypothetical questions about their future that may or may not be relevant to the subject of marriage. Every day he got more and more sure that he wanted this. When they parted for Thanksgiving, Percy sat down with his parents and Nico and brought up the idea. Nico was psyched. His parents, however, had a long conversation with him about what that kind of commitment meant. In the end, they gave him his blessing.

The Ghosts of MillenniaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz