our Seaside Shack

Start from the beginning

The kids know they're 100 square meter Shack or 300 square foot Shack may not look the best , but it's beautiful to them because there's a quiet place where Margaret can read Molly can practice her handstands or her dancing and play her music as loud as she wants. And Brody can sit and think without being bothered they each have a special reason to make this their special place.

This little Shack is beautiful to them but they know they must work diligently to keep all their friends secure during the storm season that is fast approaching.

They also used the shack as a staging area when they are pulling garbage and other debris out of the ocean they will bring it to the island first collected all there and then use the boat to bring it the rest of the way into sure for recycling if they cannot use it for themselves

This little piece of paradise has also been a good source of income that children sell the Coconuts as well as the bananas and pineapple and lines to the local farmers market🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🍍🍍🍍🍍🍌🍌🍌🍍🍍🌴🌴🌴🌴🍌

As the children build and save their Paradise here they come across boat that smashed upon the rock find the book they find a small chicken still alive and clucking away🐔🐔🐓🐓 they find three little chickens as well as one rooster. This makes the girls jump with the big happy  faces because a few weeks ago they found an old beat up chicken coop which is still on the island so they decide to fix it up and put the four little egg producers in a wicker basket for now they decide to call the chickens 1 2 3 and 4. Brody also finds some signal flares a signal gun and old radio as well as a mosquito net and finally some usable wood just as they're about to leave from the sinking boat and pull in to shore the three of the children here and little squeal Molly runs into the galley kitchen and opens the oven and finds and Alive small miniature pot belly pig witch names penny🐖🐖🐷🐷 the children laugh as they are Towing the sunken boat back into Shore using their sailboat they are sing Old MacDonald Had a Farm and on this farm he had three chickens and a rooster EIEIO and then Old MacDonald Had a Farm and on this farm he had a pig named Penny yeah yeah yeah owe they laugh the whole way home. They are pleasantly surprised when the salvage yard gives them $500 for the sunken boat because he can salvage a lot of be aluminum and other electronics he states that that girl has been out there for 2 weeks and nobody I was taking the time to move it and the owner refused to move it as well

They decide to leave the three chickens and rooster as well as Penny the pig with Hank of the salvage yard until they can get a pig pen built as well as the chicken coop repaired

The kids are all excited to start their new little farm haha hehe just think about the money we can get from fresh eggs! Margaret mentions that she's going to have ham for dinner which do you think this is hilarious

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The kids are all excited to start their new little farm haha hehe just think about the money we can get from fresh eggs! Margaret mentions that she's going to have ham for dinner which do you think this is hilarious

Molly does not find this very funny antics so she kicks Margaret in the butt causing Margaret to flow in a big pile of dog poop at the junkyard Molly and Brody are laughing but they attempt to help Margaret up when she pulls both of them down into the big pile of dog poop all three children are covered in poop but are laughing hysterically!😁😁🤣🤣😃😃😄😄😅😆🤣🤗🤣🤣🤣🤗🤗🤗😂😂😀😀😁😁😊

As the kids are doing research into their new pets they realize they're unable to keep penny so she will get to become too big although she is a miniature pot belly pig she'll become way too big for them to handle so Mister Hank at the junkyard says that he will keep her but Molly makes him promise in writing that he will never sell her or eat her. He reminds her that he will be a good alarm system for him for when people try and break into the junkyard and you can anyone comes near the fence that's not supposed to be Penny sure likes to squeal.

The kids get far better news about the chickens there are Dutch Bantam chicken they are easily taken care of that's my most people keep them as backyard chickens the mothers are wonderful mothers and lay about 168 to a year which will be nearly five hundred eggs a year first they're very even-tempered but they do like to fly so that you will have to watch them very carefully and keep them safe

It takes the kids 4 days with some help from some fishermen to finish the chicken coop they paint it blue so it matches the shack they give the fisherman some bananas coconut and pineapple long to fresh eggs as payment

Future of agriculture in from production their mom gets the bright idea to incorporate them as a small organic farm it's part of their non-for-profit which gets the main another Grant from the state and local government as well as a Federal Grant

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Future of agriculture in from production their mom gets the bright idea to incorporate them as a small organic farm it's part of their non-for-profit which gets the main another Grant from the state and local government as well as a Federal Grant

Margaret's mother tell your children you are still in school and you already have a very successful non-for-profit business with multiple sources of income there are people that are my age that don't even have one job lol

They are excited that pretty soon school be done and summer will be fast approaching but that also means that it will be storm season and like always there worried about hurricane but now they have a lot more personal way to lose so they continue to work to secure the Shack as well as the chicken coop and the brand new outdoor fireplace not to mention the water catchment system.

They decide the next long weekend the children will have a slumber party in the new Shack

Brody's happy they have both Water catchment Systems there's always plenty of water for the now chickens and plants to drink as well as the frequent rain also help Supply them with plenty of fresh water and the compost toilet as well as the chicken poop makes wonderful fertilizer the pineapple plant and the fruit trees are growing tremendously and producing a lot of fruit as well as the mangrove forests is getting healthier and Fuller meaning that there are more fish in the area which makes the local community members especially the merry very happy because it's helping with the eco-tourism!

All right my loyal readers please can I have your assistance do you guys like the picture and where the story is going would you like me to continue with the pictures or change the story line all together please let me know this book brings me a lot of joy and I wanted to do the same for you

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