Chapter Thirty Five

Start from the beginning

The group tells a your welcome or nods before that actually start to sit down and get comfortable.

The next two or even three hours are spent talking to each other. I'm sure they came just to distract me but I'm thankful nonetheless. Plus, I learn some pretty interesting information. 

Like, Jeongguk and Taehyung are heavy gamers and actually participate in tournaments, sometimes even together. Or that Seokjin's restaurant is expanding and he might even expand to another district. Or even that Namjoon's trying to learn rap, already doing pretty well from the base music he plays for me.

"Noona?" Jimin asks, after Taehyung is done with a story that tells about the fact that Hoseok and him went into a snow fight only to get suddenly murdered by the maknae who joined randomly.

I make a noise of acknowledgement, something I've accidentally caught on from Yoongi.

"Why did you ask Yoongi to dye his hair black?" 

Ah, right, I promised Jimin I would tell him. 

Everyone else looks at me with the same curiosity. 

"Well," I start off with, "I just wanted to see his natural hair color. And he did owe me." And I wanted to see every side of Yoongi I could before something could happen.

Namjoon seems to understand with knowing eyes. Slowly, everyone seems to catch on and very last, Jimin reaches the same point.

I smile, "He's pretty handsome with black hair, isn't he?"

Hoseok whistled, "Definitely."

Seokjin snorted before raising a brow, "Uhm, we all are. But I'll forgive you this time, YN." He teases and we've effectively lightened up the atmosphere.

I wish Yoongi could see this.

☆♬○♩●♪✧♩  ♩✧♪●♩○♬☆

My wishes are answered in the next few days. I'm simply laying down, exhausted from a day of nothing yet I still really can't bring myself to do anything. My body is simply losing energy day by day. 

I sigh, watching as a clouds start to cover the sky slowly. Fall showers are coming, bringing cool rain with it. 

This is so freaking depressing, I think distastefully. 

At that moment, I decide to get up and do something even if it causes me to crash later tonight. Forcing myself up, I huff before slowly getting out of the bed. I stumble a bit, having to lean against a wall in order to not fully fall.

Mentally, I decide to later ask Mark about getting walking time every day. 

I stretch for a few moments until I deem that my muscles are back in motion and I start to walk out of the hallway. I'm not supposed to leave like this but screw it, I refuse to lay around like useless trash. 

As I walk mostly empty halls, I hum, closing my eyes for a moment. It's insanely peaceful and I wonder how is it that hospitals can be so quiet when it's only evening.

I continue to walk with my eyes closed, simply enjoying the way it feels.  But, I do peek a few times to make sure I don't ram into something. Though, I seem to open my eyes too late because I feel my toe stub the corner of the wall and I hiss a curse under my breath.

Snapping open my eyes, I take a few deep breaths in attempt to calm down from the unstoppable wrath of satan that is stubbing your toe. 

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