Chapter 54

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I was on my way to SM entertainment once again, it was time for my dancing class with Ten and I was very excited because we couldn't do that during my time in Australia. When I entered the room where Ten was waiting for me I saw that he wasn't alone: Lucas was there too, leaning against the wall with a huge grin on his beautiful face. "What are you doing here?" I asked my boyfriend after I greeted Ten with a hug. Lucas smile widened and he wrapped his arms around me: "I just wanna watch my babygirl dance.." I got goosebumps after these words and looked over to Ten who was just smiling innocently.
Anyway, after I freed myself from Lucas' grip (he didn't want to let me go at first) I started to warm up so I wouldn't get injured while dancing. As I bent down, I felt the gaze of my boyfriend on my ass and I had to smile, it was his own fault that he couldn't do the things he want to do right now. I finished my stretching and Ten started the lesson. While I was dancing, Lucas stared at me the whole time with an expression that said "I know how you look naked". I tried my best to ignore it but it isn't easy to focus when your hot boyfriend looks at you like he's close to pressing you to the wall and do unholy things to you. Ten, of course, had fun, he enjoyed Lucas' suffering and me struggling with my concentration.
The training session seemed endless and I was very relieved when Ten finally told me that we're finished. Lucas came up to me as soon as I stopped moving and hugged me tight, he would've kissed me but Ten ruined it by complaining that he's an innocent boy and that he didn't want to see us kiss. I turned to him, eyebrows raised: "Say again that you're innocent while looking into my eyes!" He started laughing and I rolled my eyes at him, grinning. Lucas and I were about to leave but he stopped us, again. Lucas looked at him with confusion: "What is it Ten?" The small boy smiled, sincere this time, and answered: "What do you think about revealing your relationship to the fans?" I widened my eyes and gasped: "No way! They're gonna hate me!" Lucas too, didn't look happy and he tightened his grip around my waist: "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Ten nodded happily: "Yes definitely, then you won't have to be so careful anymore. Sure some fans will dislike you for being Lucas' girlfriend but they will get used to it." I looked from Lucas to Ten and tilted my head a little: "I will think about it, but thanks for telling us about the idea." I smiled at him and then left with Lucas after we said goodbye to Ten.

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