Chapter 7

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I was coming out of the bathroom because I just finished taking a shower when I saw that my phone was blinking. I've got a message. I was tempted to check out immediately who was texting me but then I decided to get dressed first. After that was done, I unlocked my phone and saw that several people had texted me. The person whose message I opened first was the one and only Chittaporn aka Ten. To my surprise he had send me a photo of him and Lucas with the message: "We are bored, save us!" I grinned and typed: "Aww poor you!" They must be really very bored because the answer came immediately in form of an audio: "Hey! We really are poor!" Said Ten and Lucas added: "Said the one who made an audio because she was bored while walking to the supermarket!" This was the moment I panicked. Why did Lucas know about this audio? Did Ten tell him or did he even listen to it? It would be better for Ten's health if he didn't listen to this audio. So I asked him suspiciously: "Why does Lucas know about that? Did he listen to it?!" "Noo, of course not! I just mentioned that you made an audio because you were bored!" I relaxed: "Okay, good, otherwise I would have ripped your head of!" I could imagine him laughing while answering: "I know, I know, that's why I was a good boy." In my head 'Good Boy' by G-Dragon and Taeyang started playing and I sighed. I knew that this song would stay in my mind for a long time. "Great, now I can't get the song 'Good Boy' out of my head!" "That was my intention hihi." Sometimes I really felt the urge to hit him: "Thank you very much, you're so nice! Btw did you know that Lay has a song called 'Sheep'?" I knew this question was random but I stumbled across this song a couple of days ago and I absolutely loved it. "Of course I knew that! XD We are in the same Entertainment you know.." I rolled my eyes while grinning: "Yeah I know that, I just wanted to make sure.. I really like this song, although it's kind of funny XD" "It's a good song, but I think the remix is better." I liked the original version better because I loved that 'Oh, I am the sheep' this was so my jam. "Noo the original is better! If I would write a song it will be something like that XD Maybe 'Oh, I am the Penguin' or something XD" Ten's answer was exactly how I expected it: "Haha I'm looking forward to that! You better not disappoint me!" I knew he would write something like that. I continued texting with him for a while but then I had to study for an upcoming exam.

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