Chapter 11

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I was laying on the couch and read a book on a cold and snowy winter day when my phone was ringing. I  flinched, because it had been completely quiet before, and picked up: "Hello?" I asked lazily and yawned. At first I just heard Ten laughing: "Did you forget? Today is Sunday, we have practice today!" I bit my lip embarrassed: "oops.. I'm sorry. I'm on vacation and I didn't notice the days passing by. I will hurry up and be there soon." "Don't rush yourself, I'm gonna send someone who's picking you up." Ten's voice still sounded amused when he hung up. I had just finished dressing up when the doorbell rang and I hurried to open the door. Surprisingly Jaemin was waiting for me, he gave me a wide smile and hugged me. I hugged him back and looked at him curiously. "How did you get here? Not by bus I guess?" I grinned, the idea of seeing Jaemin go by bus was just funny. He shook his head and grinned too: "No, SM Idols travel with style, we have our own cars plus drivers!" If someone other than him said that, it would have seemed arrogant, but Jaemin only looked cute. "Ah I see." I grinned and followed him to the parking lot, where an expensive looking black car was waiting. After I had overcome my astonishment, I got into the car with him and the driver started the engine. It wasn't a long ass ride to the entertainment but it seemed like ages because Jaemin didn't stop talking. I really liked him but that day he was very hyperactive and that was exhausting. After we reached our destination we got out and Jaemin took me to Ten who was already expecting me. "Ah so you made it without Jaemin talking you to death?" He grinned widely and pattet Jaemin who looked at him offended. I laughed and looked at Jaemin: "It wasn't that bad." After I forced Ten to apologize to him, Jaemin left and we started practicing. "Am I learning something new today?" I looked at him expectantly. Ten smiled and nodded: "I'm gonna teach you 'Touch' today." I clapped my hands in excitement: "Great! Let's get started!" But of course we had to warm up first. After this was done, he started to teach me the first few moves of the choreography. I was dancing for the first time right up to the refrain when the door opened and someone came in. I was so focused that it scared the hell out of me and I turned around and started shouting: "What are you thinking that you are just storming in here? I was practicing! Do you know how shocked I was?" After I calmed down a bit, I noticed who I had yelled at, it was Lucas! He and Ten looked at me almost scared, apparently, my screaming was pretty frightening. I smiled at them a bit embarrassed: "Sorry, I didn't mean to shout, but you really scared me Lucas." He smiled at me too. "Omg his smile.." I thought and almost started to drool. "It's okay, I could have knocked." I was about to answer when Ten started laughing all of a sudden. Lucas and I looked at him a bit bewildered. "Are you okay?" I asked carefully. He grinned at me and answered lightly: "Yes I am, I didn't know that you could be so scary but I really like this side of you." I shook my head and laughed: "I wasn't serious, just shocked." Ten continued teasing me and Lucas was so nice and defended me. And I was just admiring his beauty. Finally he left and we finished our practice. I went home happily, it was great day.

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