Chapter 29

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As a manager of NCT Jovana also attended the party for Mark, of course dressed to impress Lucas. She watched him the whole evening until she finally had a chance to catch him alone. He was just coming back with a couple of Vodka bottles and placed them on a table, which was of course immediately surrounded by the members. Lucas was pushed aside and so he decided to wait patiently until the others had calmed down a bit. That was the opportunity Jovana has waited for! She quickly went to him and casually leaned against the wall, thinking she looked hot in her tight red dress with the low neckline. Lucas turned around, smiling his beautiful smile, then he recognised her and his smile faded. "Hello" he greated weary "what do you want?" He didn't sound rude, he really tried to sound friendly, but there was a small note of dislike in his tune, which was completely unnoticed by Jovana. The overweight manager smiled motherly, or at least tried, and started speaking with a soft voice. "Listen, I know you're angry with me. I understand that, you don't wanna lose your girlfriend. But I only said these kind of things because I wanted to protect you! Think how your fans will react if they would find out! That would be a scandal! Your reputation would drop because the fans will get jealous! And you will bring whole NCT down! It would be your fault if SM decides that NCT isn't earning enough money anymore!" Lucas face grew paler and paler, usually he wouldn't believe all this nonsense but without knowing Jovana spoke out his greatest fear. Deep down he was always scared that his relationship with Yejin would cause his members and friends harm. And now Jovana said that too! Jovana saw the doubt on his face and knew she had won. "I know it's not easy. But it's the right thing." Lucas took a deep breath and looked at her with tortured expression, then he slowly nodded. He didn't want to let go of Yejin but he didn't want to be selfish either. Just the thought of losing her broke his heart and he lowered his head. Jovana touched his arm softly so that he shifted his attention back to her. "You know you have to break her heart.." She sighed, acting sympathetic and continued: "This way it would be easier for her to let go. So she can be angry with you, she can course and rage. But then she would be able to move on. If you tell her the truth she would always have the hope that your love for her will be strong enough and that you will come back to her.. And that's even more cruel, believe me." Lucas closed his eyes in pain and put his face into his hands. Suddenly Taeyong noticed that something was wrong and he walked towards Lucas. Jovana saw him comming and decided it was best to leave, so she patted Lucas one more time and left the room with a triumphant smile on her ugly face.

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