Chapter 23

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I was sitting in my favourite chair in my living room, I liked the chair so much because it was a big vintage arm chair made out of dark leather and decorated with golden ornaments. While I was reading a book, I drank a cup of tea, which I almost spilled on my shirt when I heard my phone ring. I picked up my phone and with a bright smile I realized that it was Lucas and of course I picked up immediately: "Heyo, what's up?" I asked happily. A huge grin spread over my face while I listened to his beautiful voice answering me: "I just wanted to ask if you're free tonight?" He sounded a bit unsure, like he wasn't sure if I even want to spend time with him. I smiled even brighter because of his cuteness: "Yeah sure, why?" "Do you want to go out with me?" Lucas had lost his insecurity and sounded charming and flirty and I had to giggle: "Of course! I'd love to!" I was so excited I felt like jumping up and down, but I couldn't do that because of two reasons: first, my neighbours would've complained and second, Lucas would've noticed and laughed at me. So I forced myself to stay calm and talked a bit with Lucas before he had to hang up and go to training. Then I started jumping up and down, not caring about the neighbours anymore. Sure, Lucas and I were a couple but we hadn't been together very long so I was very excited because it was our first official date as well.
Later that day, I was standing in front of my mirror and looked at myself critically. I was wearing a pair of jeans and an oversized read sweater, which created a nice contrast to my long dark hair. The only thing I hadn't chosen yet were my shoes, I had no idea which ones would look the best in this combination. Finally I decided to ask Yun-Hee if she had an idea and sent her pictures of every pair of shoes that might look good. "Hey! Important! I'm going on a date with my boyfriend but I don't know which shoes I should wear! Help me!" I walked around the room nervously, I only had one hour left until Lucas would pick me up and I still had to do my makeup (at this point I wished Taeyong would be here to help me out). Luckily Yun-Hee texted back very quickly and suggested the plain and simple black high heels, which were also my favorite. A bit more relaxed, I went to the bathroom and started applying makeup on my face.
When it was finally time, I heard the doorbell ring so I ran towards the door to open it. But I learned my lesson from the one time Ten had been at my place so I slowed down before I reached the door and then opened it smoothly. And there he stood, looking as handsome as always. He was wearing a black rain coat and dark blue pants and even though I couldn't see what he was wearing underneath I was so ready to fuck him. Realising what I just thought, I blushed and played it cool by hugging him tightly and kissing his cheek. "Good evening, baby!" He smiled but looked at me a bit nervously as he called me 'baby'. I just smiled back: "Good evening!" And then slipped into my shoes and the jacket. "Where are we going?" I asked while following him to his car. To my disappointment he smiled like an angel but didn't tell me even one bloody thing. I sighed impatiently and sat down next to him. During the ride I was smiling like an idiot even though I was frustrated that I didn't know where he was taking me.
After a short time he parked the car and I almost jumped out because of excitement. It took me a few seconds to realise where we were, it was a quiet stretch of the Han River. I looked around in awe, it was around sunset, the sun was barely visible between the trees and it just looked beautiful how the bright red light shone through the dense foliage of the small wood. Although it was still early in the evening, you could already see some fireflies between the bushes. I was so occupied by the beautiful sight that I didn't notice how Lucas stepped behind me, I only noticed him when he put his arms around me and rested his chin on my shoulder. "You like it?" He smiled cutely and I nodded eagerly, leaning against his chest: "Yes! It's beautiful!" He seemed relieved and let go of me. I was about to protest when I saw what he was doing: he opened the trunk of the car and took out a large picnic basket and a blanket. My eyes widened with joy, I loved picnics! We walked to a bench near the river and sat down on a quiet spot underneath the trees. It was a beautiful night and what happened afterwards was very special to me too..

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