Chapter 46

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I was standing at the airport once again, the semester in Australia had been over faster than I expected it to be and I felt a spark of sadness when I thought of returning home. My experiences that I made in this country were mostly happy, only the incident with Felix was something bad about my stay here, so it was quite hard for me to let go. I turned my back to the entry of the airport and smiled at Chris who came with me, we still were good friends even though I had no contact to Felix anymore. The tall boy smiled back at me and hugged me tight before I went to the security check: "Have a safe flight and text me when you've arrived!" I hugged him back with a sad smile on my face: "Don't worry, I will." After that I let go of him and passed the security check.
When I sat down inside of the plane I felt my excitement and happiness rise, I was finally going to see Ten and Yun-Hee again. For a brief second the thought of Lucas awaiting me passed my mind but the memory of what happened fastly caught up and I had to hold myself back because I didn't want to cry on the plane with all these strangers around me. One of the good things about my time in Australia was that I got a lot better in hiding my feelings so it was no problem to keep a neutral face as the plane left the ground and I leaned my head against the glass of the small round window.
A few hours later the plane landed and I, still half asleep, made my way out of it. As soon as I entered the big hall of the airport a girl I knew very well hugged me tightly and before I could say anything I felt another pair of arms around me. I laughed happily and hugged my best friends, Ten and Yun-Hee back, I felt so happy that I got them back finally. After we finally managed to untangle, my friends brought me home and told me to be ready to party the next day, they wanted to celebrate my return properly. I had no choice but to agree, I couldn't say no to them!

The day Yejin finally came back from Australia was pure torture for him, he wanted to go to the airport and welcome her with flowers and kisses but he couldn't. Ten told him to wait a few days until Yejin had a chance to rest and to adjust to Korea again. Of course Lucas knew that he was right but he was so jealous of him that he could stand at the airport and hug her. His longing feelings for her grew stronger each day and it was very hard for him to hold back even just a little while longer. "Just a few days." He told himself and closed his eyes to calm his mixed emotions. He was scared, happy, excited, nervous and felt guilty. All these feelings were whirled around inside of him and he didn't know how to handle them. He was happy and excited that Yejin was back and that he had a chance to win her back, he was nervous and even a bit scared that she wouldn't listen to him at all and that she won't be his girl ever again, he felt guilty because of what he did to her heart. He knew he had hurt her deeply and he hated himself for it. He wished he had never met Jovana and that everything would be fine. But time travel wasn't invented yet.

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