Chapter 40

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Today was the day. My first day on the University of Sidney. I was very excited as I stepped into the lecture room and sat down next to a tall blonde boy. As I sat down he turned around and I realized that he was Asian too. He smiled at me and introduced himself friendly: "Hello I'm Chris and you are?" He tilted his head a little and looked at me curiously. "I am Yejin, nice to meet you." I smiled at him as I put out my school stuff. He started asking me questions about me which I answered amused, he was kind of cute. When the prof walked in he stopped and shifted his attention to the front.
Later that day Felix texted me and asked if I want to go to a club with him and his friend that night. Because I had no classes the next day I agreed to meet him at 7 o'clock at his place to drink something before we would go to the club.
As I stood in front of the mirror, doing my makeup, I wondered who the friend was Felix wanted to bring along. I hoped he was nice and not one of these Fuckboys that want to grab asses and stuff. With these hopes in my mind I made my way to Felix and rang the doorbell. To my surprise it was Chris who opened the door. "Chris? Nice to see you again!" He grinned widely and pulled me into a hug: "Nice to see you again too!" Felix who stood behind him looked somehow pissed as he asked: "You know each other?" I turned to him and hugged him too: "He's in my class, I met him today." Felix smiled and hugged me back as he answered: "Oh I see, what a coincidence!" After that we sat down in his living room and drank a bottle of wine before we called a taxi and went to the club. Because we arrived very early not many people were there when we entered so at first we just stood at the bar and drank. So I was quite drunk as time goes by and more and more people entered the club. I emptied my glass, stepped on the dancing floor and started to dance. Soon Felix and Chris joined me and I had lots of fun with the two boys. Suddenly I felt Felix' arms around my waist and I turned around to look at him. He smiled shyly and because I was drunk I just laid my hands around his neck and danced with him, I wasn't quite aware of what I was doing, I just did it. The tall boy pulled me closer and came closer to my face. I was confused and just looked at him with big, innocent eyes. I was really clueless what he wanted to do so it was to my luck that Chris randomly bumped into us and separated us that way. I looked at Chris confused who hectically pulled me and Felix, who looked really pissed, out of the club. "What the fuck bro?!" I asked him and tried not to fall down as he finally let go of my arm. "Didn't you notice? There was a fight right next to you! You two could've get hurt!" I looked at him and nodded slowly: "Ohhhh thank you!" He smiled and pated my head. After that we drove home and I went to sleep.

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