PART 38: Her Weakness

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  Even with the drama happening within the squad it still didn't stop Ramona from continuing her plans.

  The stuff she has already done has greatly damaged their trust and bond. Now all Ramona had to do was pull the final trigger or so to say Veronica.

  Thanks to Ryan, she finally now has something everyone has longed to know,
  Veronica Syvova's weakness.


  Veronica was walking up the steps to her home when she saw a single piece of paper on her doorstep. She immediately noted how the security cameras had caught some activity and it revealed to be Ramona or Sophia as she so obviously made herself known.

  The note read,
I soon will have your greatest weakness in my hands and I hope you'll now be the one to bend at my command.

  How stupid. Herself and Sophia, she exposed every little detail that would have Sophia believe she could win.


  The location was an abandoned building that seemed to be used for Sophia's scheming.

  There was tons of photos of Veronica and her team that she knew were being taken. Loads of files with details and connections. It didn't seem like a typical teen rivalry anymore.

  Veronica had thought the pictures were being taken by some secret agency after her not some high school girl.

  Since she was the only one there she stepped to the paperwork and saw the beginning.

  Sophia wanted to only dethrone her, to make her some outcast but then as she got more into she saw how intense the life of Veronica is. How she couldn't simply dethrone her, that it would take sacrifices and maybe even death.

  All for some stupid high school popularity contest.

  Just as she was about to read up some more a side door opened and two girls walked in. Veronica immediately recognized them as Blair and Pixie. It was certainly a surprise the girls themselves would go through such lengths.

  "I didn't think you'd be so obsessed with me Blair Ayres and Patricia Lohengrin" Veronica grinned a nasty grin.

  "I'm not here for a conversation" Blair made her way out another door than the one she came through leaving Pixie and Veronica alone.

  "She left pretty quickly, I see you are crushing on her hard" Pixie blushed which made Veronica smirk. Easily way to a target's heart. "Give me my man or I'll kill your woman" Veronica stared deep into Pixie's eyes and her voice hid no anger.

  Before Pixie could respond with wide eyes, Blair came back rolling in a tied up Erik. He seemed calm, too calm.

  Then the side attraction decided to make an appearance, Ramona Vaugh.

  Ramona walked up to seated Erik and sat right down on his lap.

  "You know the only way to make me comply is not by flirting" Veronica swallowed hard, she hated it but not enough to cause more trouble then she needs to.

  "Just give me your power over the school and you can get your boyfriend back" Ramona pulled Erik's face towards her own and threw a side smile to Veronica.

  "I can't simply do that Ramona, you should have thought this all more through" Veronica rolled her eyes at the silliness of it all.

  "Yes you can, by making yourself seem weaker in front of everyone. Making me seem like I have more authority then even the famous Veronica Syvova does" Then Ramona pulled a gun out from her shorts and pointed it at Erik's head. "I can play your game very well"

Pixie and Blair just now realized how serious the situation actually was. Now death was involved, something scary and foreign for them.

"Not well enough to win" Veronica took out her signature silver pistol and pointed the gun to Erik's head. "I always shoot first" she pulled the trigger and in an instant Erik's body was limp on the floor.

"Did you just? Did you-? Omg you just killed someone" Blair's eyes opened wide as she looked at Erik's lifeless body.

"No shit Sherlock" Veronica placed the gun back into her pocket.

"Okay this is going too far. We just wanted to get you jealous and Ryan told us Erik was definitely a weakness for you" Pixie blinked repeatedly. "No biggie just tie him up, make Ramona kiss him a bit, and have you give her the popularity in order for his freedom. KILLING WAS NOT IN THE PLAN!" Pixie screamed in Blair's face.

"Yes not in the plan" Blair blinked slowly. So she was a quiet psycho. Veronica had barely acknowledged her that moment.

"Okay okay I think we're done here" Ramona or who Veronica now knows is Sophia said.

"Sure, I guess go meet your little boyfriend Ryan outside." Veronica stopped the other two minions from leaving. "These babes are staying with me till further notice" she smirked. Ramona simply shrugged and walked out the door despite the girl's pleads of freedom.

When Veronica heard the door shut to twisted her head to face the couple. "A little birdie told me you've been stalking me" Veronica twitched slightly.

"Okay yes but we'll delete all the footage, we swear" Pixie begged.

"No need I already have people searching your home. Also burning the places to shred. Murdering your family one by one is how I would love to describe the situation." Veronica smirked and Pixie began crying. "Now now shut it! You're going to play with my friend Berry for a little then we'll be heading to Sophia's".

A large man appeared and gripped both girls. He dragged them away as they screamed. The room door shut and Veronica ran to Erik.

"Baby you're okay right?" she kissed his forehead. He coughed and raised his head.

"I think I'm good, it's the shock that really got to me" Erik stood without a hint of blood. Nobody seemed to notice Veronica's hint to drop before she shot which made Erik miss the bullet by seconds.

  Everyone's shock at Veronica's willingness to kill her boyfriend made her plan fall into place.

A scary place... Her mind.. is a scary place...

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