PART 13: My apperance will only harm your sanity

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Drip Drop. Drip Drop.

"My tears slide down my face. What shall I do today?" Florida sang quietly

"He was yours, wasn't he?" Veronica looked towards the girl breaking down in one of her guest bedroom.

"How did you know?" Florida looked up, tears slipping off her eyes.

"Drill, he was much more than a first love I knew that for sure" she smiled and walked to Florida giving her a side hug.

"Yeah he was my baby daddy" Florida smiled.

"Why don't you go ahead and tell me your story?" Veronica smiled big and Florida nodded.

"I had just turned 11 when I met him, I know very young. He was just 13 and he knew I had taken interest in him. When he first walked up to talk to me, he told me I look nothing like my age. I laughed and asked him what he thought my age was. He said 14 and gave me this look, at the time I thought it was more of a flirty look but now I know it was something more naughty and touched with desire. Two weeks later we talked about sex and he asked if I knew what it was. I did so I told him what I knew and he was shocked that I knew so much. He invited me to his house and I went without permission. Things led to another and he asked me to show him what I knew" Florida paused to look at Veronica's disgusted face.

"He was a little horny fucker, wasn't he" she growled.

"Yes he was but his sweet facade hid it. Well after all I knew everything but what protection was and I ended up pregnant. He was excited but I wasn't. He wanted to name him Rod because his family always used tools for names. I started becoming interested when he started suggesting girl and boy names. I decided Rodney because it involved rod and my favorite part of Drill was his knee. Weird I know but he had this scar on his knee that looked like the letter F and I thought it was a sign we were suppose to be together. Nine months later I popped out Rodney. He looked just like Drill with his red hair and gray eyes. But my parents hated that, they wanted him to look like me so they can pass him off as my brother. Drill's parents offered to take him but my mom insisted Rodney stayed with his mother. Drill visited everyday for three years but then he vanished all of sudden without any message. My parents became angry when Drill's parents didn't send child support. They started to hate Rodney more and more. When I was out with you guys the day we all first met, they decided to slaughter him. I remember I was becoming tipsy and you offered to take me home but you didn't leave right after I entered the house. You hit my parents with your car and dumped them in your trunk. Why didn't you leave?" Florida looked up curiously.

"I had this feeling when I first met all of you that if I so much as lost focus for a second I would lose you all but that sense became stronger when I parked in front of your house" she paused. "Then I heard you scream but I knew it wasn't of pain it was of sadness so I hid behind bushes and accidentally hit the gas just when your parents ran in front of my car" Florida smiled a real smile.

"Well the cops came and took him in a body bag and that's when you called all of us to our abandoned building. Then you know the rest of giving me that choice and I had decided" They looked at each other and smirked at the memory.

Ring... Ring... Ring...

The sound of Veronica's doorbell was heard throughout the house. Since nobody was home and Sindy and Kristin were sleeping they went to open the front door.

Veronica opened to the door and looked at the teen holding a little boys hand.

"Sorry to bother you but I'm looking for Florida Reign I heard she's friends with you" the teen smiled politely.

Florida softly pushed Veronica out of the way and stood in front of this boy. "Drill?" Her eyes widen with tears.

"Mommy?" Florida looked down at the little boy who just called her mommy. Red hair and silver eyes.

But you're dead.

Warning: Veronica Syvova Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant