PART 35: That's a bitch on wheels

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  Everything was driving Veronica crazy and crazy and crazy and more crazy by the second.

  Who really was Ryan? Could he really be her Uncle?

  She pressed the gas some more until it nearly gave up and automatically braked.

  She hoped of her fancy little car and rushed into the building, fuming.

  "K19! WHERE THE HELL IS K19?!" She screamed at her receptionist. "AND WHY THE HELL WAS IT SO EASY FOR ME TO ENTER THE BUILDING!" Everyone around her started rushing shutting off all the systems.

  It turns into lockdown when Veronica arrives in her building.

  "IF K19 ISN'T IN MY OFFICE IN 5 MINUTES, I'M SHOOTING SOMEONE!" She rushed to her room and slammed that door so hard it almost broke. But it could never because she's protected it from her "episodes".

  "K19 is present." She heard the announcer.

  She pressed a button and the bulky man entered her room. He may be big but he shivered in fear as Veronica sat nonchalantly on her chair.

  "Where are they?" She crossed her fingers and leaned forward.

  K19 flinched. "We might have misplaced them."

  "Oh really, do tell me the story." She sounded so calm but don't be fooled. Veronica loves to play pretend.

  "We believe the man escaped with the child but as we tracked them they were kidnapped by people we believe to work for Uncle." He stood stiff.

  "Who was in charge of the watch?" She pressed a few buttons and waited for an answer.

  "K72, please Miss. Syvova she's my wife." He went on his knees and everything.

  "Does it look like I care? Question me again and you'll end up in the Rose Room too." She grabbed her favorite little gun and began her journey to the Rose Room.

  She entered and pressed a button to the announcer. "K72, Come to the Rose Room for your execution."


  Everything is nonsense.

  That was what Ramona told herself everyday. However she still sits here in a Starbucks in front of a strange man with no eyebrows just to make the love of her life happy, oh! and herself of course.

  "So you've met Veronica." The old man's husky voice didn't ask because he knew the answer.

  "We go way back, but even with those memories I still hate the bitch, no offense." Ryan told her to be as honest as possible with this man. Even a white lie could make him lose all respect for her.

  "She was always a brat, but I admired her will." he sipped his latte. Yes correct, the man love himself a caramel latte. 

  "Anyways... Let's get to the point. I'm her enemy and I need you to destroy all her connections as well while ruining her entirely." Ramona tapped the table. She wanted this shit over with and not have to sit another second with this strange man. 

  "To do that you'd have to kill her." he chuckled as if it was a funny joke.

  "Do you think I came here to play a little game? Of course I need to kill her, she's a fucking snake and her little posse doesn't even know it!" she slammed her fist against the table which caused a few heads to turn. 

  "You draw too much attention to yourself, stop with that or I won't even consider helping you." The man growled.

  "I apologize. Now, who are you exactly and how do you know Veronica?"  She had to be suspicious, Veronica has everyone on her side.

  "I'm a hitman and I've never failed when it comes to killing such high powered people. Also, Veronica and I go way back." he smirked, answering the same way she did. 

  "Seems she has a lot of enemies." She rolled her eyes but then spotted a booth hidden in the corner. 

  There sat Florida Reign with Kristin Flor, they were staring right at her.

  "Yes that little rascal does. Now what causes you to hire me to murder her?" he continued noticing Ramona's gaze.

  "Simple. I want the fame she has and it seems all that's standing in the way is her." Florida shifted and Ramona flinched.

  "Such a childish reason but none the less I just want her little throat slit. Before I could do that, find her weakness and make sure she comes alone." With a blink of her eye the man vanish. Florida approached her seconds later.

  "Don't think you'll get away with it, you red headed bitch." They flawlessly strolled out of the Starbucks leaving a confused Ramona behind.

  What was Veronica's weakness? And how the hell is she suppose to get her alone?

Betrayal is a funny thing... You lose in the end...


I know, I know. I take idek how long to upload then I give you this short piece of shit. Yes I'm a bitch because of it. In exciting or not exciting news the book's coming to an end pretty soon. I have the ending all written up but I still have more chapters to fill until it comes to that point. This is my first time posting a book onto Wattpad and let's just say I learned not to publish chapters before a book is finished. There has been so many gaps between uploads and I literally have no excuse then just being a lazy ass. I seriously don't have much going on, like I almost have straight A's and school isn't that hard unless you include my teachers who are all little bitches. BUT ANYWAYS! I'm really sorry and I'll try my hardest to write this but I'm working on another book that I'm having fun with so I apologize and will definitely write another chapter later on that I am hoping I'll upload by next week.

Thank you so much for reading and sorry for being a lazy piece of shet :))   

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