Part 36: Fake Little Snake

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If you examine Veronica Syvova as much as little Sindy Alexander you'd see just about everything she does.

Ramona learned she had to be as watchful as her but without being caught by all their asses. So she figured the only way to get Veronica alone is to well you know, make sure they know how much Veronica has done behind their back.

Veronica is a snake and loves to eat any little mouse -in this case weakness- that comes between her and that precious squad.

Guess who was able to retrieve a supposedly burnt memory card. Yup Ramona's love Ryan did.

Now she knows all the girls weaknesses and what to do with them? Oh yeah destroy it.

However the little snake had other plans and did the job for her.

Let's recap


(Days earlier)

After wiping clean any sort of blood in the Rose Room, Veronica went straight back to her plan. Although Drill and little Rodney are still alive, she wishes they weren't, she'll have to figure out how to retrieve them.

Now for that little picture Sindy loves and craves. Veronica scratch the photo in her hand and cackled. They were all fucking idiots to think that all their weaknesses will just pass by Veronica like no big deal.

So instead of gloating some more and wasting precious time she flung the photo in the fireplace beside her desk.

Now it was time to find those ginger haired idiots.


"There's going to be a party at the outskirts of town and is close enough to our building so we are safe incase of anything going wrong." Sindy squealed in excitement.

"It's been awhile since we've all been to one, I'm in." Sindy jumped on Kristin's back.

"Also I really just need to get wasted and a party is the perfect excuse." Florida groaned out.

"If y'all want." Veronica slammed her locker as her Erik wraps his arms around her waist.

"Definitely in need for a party." He smooched Veronica's lips causing a loud click throughout the halls.


I really think parties are just bad luck when it comes to the Royals. Ramona will also make sure it's a party that will make them all fall apart.

How exciting.


Before anyone can so much as blink Ramona shoved our little bitch Florida in a closet.

"What the fuck, SOPHIA?!" Florida tried to shove her back but the darkness hid her body.

"I never thought when I started this plan it would involve so much death." Ramona begun her tale. "First my family, Second each one of you, Last Veronica Syvova." Florida was frozen not scared but frozen. "Your death has to do with losing your little baby, Rodney. They're still alive, did you know that?"

"Fucking liar." Florida croaked out even if that comment made her heart stop.

"The reason you haven't felt extreme pain from losing them is because they are not actually dead. Veronica lied and I have proof for you."

Ramona handed her a phone that displayed Drill and Rodney sitting on a sofa. Drill was reading Rodney a story until he looked at the camera.

"Hey baby." Drill said softly and a smile appeared on his face.

"Am I really talking to you?" Florida felt the need to cry.

"Yes you are. Now we don't have much time before Veronica's team finds us. They're planning on killing us based on Veronica's orders, at this very moment the building is being attack and there is no possible way we could win. So this is goodbye forever from me and Rodney." he smiled down at an already sleepy Rodney.

"I love you Mommy." With that the phone fell from whatever what was holding it as two gun shots sounded through the speakers.

Florida bursted in tears, she now knew in her heart that they were dead and who was responsible?

Veronica Syvova.

I don't care anymore.. It hurts too much...

So look who updated the same day. Oh yeah me well I wanted to write and upload this later because after this we have literally like 4-6 chapters left. This is short so I'll just upload it since it's been so long.

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