Chapter 16: Allies or Enemies?

Start from the beginning

Jen: I'm a senior.

Ash: Ah, that's why, I'm a junior.

You felt your phone vibrate. You grab your phone and look at it. You have a dozen missed calls from Colby and Will is currently calling you. You answer your phone and roll your eyes.

Jen: What do you want?

Will: Colby! She's okay! Call the cops back and tell them it was a false alarm.

Jen: Cops?!?!

Will: Jen we couldn't get a hold of you, we thought something happened.

You could tell he was crying.

Will: Colby wants to talk to you.

Jen: Okay.

There was a silence as Will passed the phone to Colby.

Colby: Jen? Are you there?

Jen: Yeah babe.

He was definitely crying before, it was way more noticeable then Will.

Colby: Why didn't you answer me?

Jen: I didn't know that my phone was going off.

Colby: We thought something happened to you babe.

He started crying again and you felt so guilty.

Jen: I'll tell you what Colbs, I'm on my way back right now.

Colby: Really babe?

Jen: Really. I'll see you in a bit.

Colby: I love you.

Jen: Love you.

I turn to Ash.

Jen: Can I get your number?

Ash: Sure.

Jen: I have to go, but I'll see you again sometime?

Ash: Yeah, hopefully. Listen, if you and your boyfriend ever break up, I'm here for you. *wink*

It's hard to get over how much they look and act like each other. You laughed at his confidence.

Ash: Also, about earlier, when I threatened you... I'm not that kind of guy. I promise. No matter how much I may seem like it. I would never hurt anyone unless they really deserved it.

Jen: Yeah.

You walked up the small hill a bit.

Jen: Bye.

You waved.

Ash: Bye.

He waved back and you started walking back to your house and when you finally got there you walked in.

Jen: I'm back!

You heard running from your room. Colby ran to you and wrapped you into a hug and his hands were clenching the back of your shirt. His head rested at your neck, he started crying and his grip in the hug tightened.

Colby: I don't wanna ever let go.

His voice was muffled by your shirt.

Jen: Babe, I'm back.

Colby: Why did you leave in the first place?

He never moved his head because he was still crying.

Jen: I got mad at myself because I promised myself I would let you learn from your mistakes, but I didn't, I rewarded them.

He moved his head in front of you.

Colby: You think this is rewarding me?

He gestured to his eyes, that were bloodshot.

Jen: I'm so sorry.

You began to cry and feel even more guilty than you already were.


After you both stopped crying, you sat across from each other on your bed. Out of no where Colby starts tickling your sides. The medication they gave you healed you very quickly. Your side no longer hurt.

Jen: Colby stop.

You said through laughter.

Colby: It'll teach you not to leave again.

Colby stopped tickling you and planted a soft kiss in your lips. You looked up at him, smiling.

Colby: Jen, you're beautiful, you know that?

Jen: No I'm not.

Colby: Yes you are. I don't wanna hear that again...or I'll have to punish you.

Jen: Very funny Colby.

Colby lied down beside you and rubbed the back of your neck.

Jen: Shit.

Colby: What?

Jen: It's Sunday.

Colby: So?

Jen: We have school tomorrow.

Colby: We can skip, if you want. Do... something else. Something fun.

He smirked, while playing with the ends of your hair.

Jen: I've missed too much already with the accident and stuff... and I'm not missing school to have sex.

Colby tried and failed at giving you the puppy dog eyes.

Colby: If you're going, I'm going.

Jen: Okay. I'm hungry, you?

Colby: Yeah, now that you mention it, I am pretty hungry.

Jen: Lets see what Will is up to and see if he wants to go out somewhere.

Colby nodded, agreeing with you. You pulled out your phone and called Will. He answered.

Will: Hey Jen.

Jen: Hey you up to go out to dinner with me and Colby?

Will: My family is in town and I'm cooking dinner, but your welcome to come over if you want, it's only my mom, dad, and brother.

Jen: Okay, we'll be there in a bit.

Will: Okay, bye.

Jen: Bye.

You filled Colby in on everything. Colby drove you two to Will's house. You and Colby were silent the whole drive, because instead of talking, he had his hand on you thigh the whole drive. You knocked on the door and was expecting to see Will, but instead, you see Ash. Why is Ash there? He looked you up and down, making sure you were the person he thought you were.

Ash: And we meet again, Jen.

Bullied By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now