Chapter 9

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

I had a lot of fun writing this one and I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it.    :)

Wayo POV

As soon as the door shuts, I turn and throw myself onto my bed. I can't believe what just happened. Pha is officially my boyfriend! This is amazing and it is only the first day of school. I can't wait to see what the rest of the school holds for us.

I quickly grab my pillow and I cover my face as I squeal my lungs out in excitement. I frantically kick my legs and rock back and forth as I can't control myself. I'm just so happy.

I can't believe that he really likes me. Me. The chubby nerd.

How did this happen? No, I don't care how this happened. I'm just so happy that it did.

I have to tell Shane and Ming. They will be happy for me too and I'm sure that they will be glad that they don't to deal with my whining anymore.

I quickly pull out my phone and I glance at the time. Yes. I think that it is late enough that they will be done with their hazing activities.

I frantically scurry to sit on my bed as I begin typing on my phone with a huge smile on my face.



Shane:  Wayo, what is going on?

Ming: Dude, calm down. I bet you were just screaming.

Shane: I think he has finally lost it.

Ming: I think taking care of P'Pha last night has damaged his brain.

Shane: I think you are right. His brain is a pile of goo now.

Ming: LOL!!!

Wayo: GUYS!!! That is uncalled for. But back to me.

Shane: I'm going to bet that something else happened with Pha.

Ming: I agree. By his excitement, I would say something good.

Shane: Oh, maybe he saw Pha in his underwear.

Ming: Or even better, naked...... LOL!!!

Wayo: GUYS!! I HATE YOU!!!

Shane: Whatever. You know that we are just teasing you.

Ming: I bet Wayo is pouting right now.

Shane: You know he is. Hahahaha.....

Wayo: I was so excited and you guys just ruined it.... ☹

Wayo: I'm not going to tell you now..... ☹

Shane: Okay. We will behave. What is the good news???

Ming: Sorry. I will listen now. No more teasing....

Ming: Happy now?? 😊

Wayo: You promise. No more teasing.

Shane: Yes.

Ming: Yes. I promise. Now tell us what happened.

Wayo: I ate a meal with P'Pha! Can you believe that??

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