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'NO!!!' I screamed. 'MAMA!!!' She pushed me out, and the building collapsed on her. I stared in shock, and then shook my head vigorously. Mama was dead. No. No. I will not accept this. The demon had killed my mother. This was not happening. I will kill him; I will get revenge.

I shook my head again. What came first now was an escape. I could think about revenge later. But I had to find Gray before escaping. He came second, after my mother. I walked a little away from the building on shaky legs. 'Gray!!' I yelled. 'Gray! Where are you?!' I ran towards his house, only to find it empty.

I started running towards the outskirts of the city. He must be heading there, thinking I had fled. I found him running towards a group of people beckoning for us to run faster. 'Gray!' I yelled. This time he heard. He turned, relief clear on his face.

As I watched, his expression changed. Relief turned to panic. He opened his mouth to say something, but it was too late. Little did I know, the demon Deliora had just dropped a fifteen- storey tower on me. Ooops, little gal, sorry, didn't see you there.

I wish.

The last thing I heard as the first block fell and nearly killed me was Gray crying out my name. Well, at least Gray will live. He would survive and avenge me and mama. I trusted him. But his pained cry made my heart ache.




'Hey, there's a survivor!' someone yelled. I could feel the blocks being lifted. The weight disappeared, one by one. I opened my eyes, very slowly.

'Hey there,' a soft female voice said. 'We're here to help you. Everything will be just fine.' My blurry vision focused. I tried to breathe normally. 'That's right,' the voice said again. 'Breathe. You'll be okay.' I tried to move my body a little. I could move my fingers. I could scrunch my toes.

I tried moving other parts of my body. Once I found out my arm was fully functional (or so I thought) I tried to prop myself up on my elbow. But as soon as I lifted myself up by an inch, I fell back down.

'Hey, none of that!' the voice said, now a little sterner. I was lifted up a little, and my head was placed on someone's lap. I could finally see the face of my rescuer. It was a young woman in her early twenties. She had long black hair and brown eyes. I finally found the strength to speak.

'Who? W-what?' I stuttered. 'Sh,' she said. 'I'm Phillipa. This is my friend, James.' She gestured towards another man, who I hadn't noticed before. 'We're both wizards,' she continued. I blinked. 'Wizards?' I asked. She nodded. 'We're from a guild called Fairy Tail.' The name sounded familiar. 'Fairy Tail,' I repeated in wonder. She smiled and tilted her head slightly so that I could see a figure tattooed on her neck.

'Do you think you can stand?' she asked. 'Yes,' I said. She helped me to stand. I stood a little shakily. 'Hey,' I said. 'What are you guild wizards doing here?' James, her partner, looked around. 'We're on a mission,' he said. 'To eliminate dark guilds.' I blinked. 'Just the two of you?' I asked, confused. 'How could two wizards eliminate an entire guild?'

Phillipa smiled. 'Don't underestimate Fairy Tail. Anyway, would you like to come with us?' she asked.

'Phil!' James scolded. 'You can't get a kid along! It's extremely dangerous!' Phillipa shook her head.

'Look at her, James! Do you really think she has anything left?!'

For the first time, I realised how I must look to them. A child, helpless and alone. Everyone she knew was dead. But how? I didn't remember. But according to them, what was the use dragging around dead weight on an important mission?

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