12 ~ i'm confused about

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"Don't look so tired. We got work to do." Jennie chuckles linking arms with her.

"Yeah, I know."

"Thanks for taking us here Jisoo." Jennie gave her her best gummy smile. "And I love the car." She winked.

"Of course, and thank you!" Jisoo clapped.

"You got a car chu?" BamBam asked.

Jisoo nodded and pointed. "The silver one there. It's my new baby."

"Hey that's pretty nice." BamBam smiled before saying his goodbyes and jumping into his own car.

"Yeah I like it too Jisoo." Lisa started before pulling Jennie to hers. "See you tomorrow!"

"You better! No skipping!" Jisoo clapped back, giving a smile at the end before getting in her car.

Ami was thrilled to see Jennie when they pulled up. It had been awhile since one of the girls had visited. She immediately made dinner for them and called them to the table.

Jennie and Ami never stopped talking, and practically forgot Lisa was even there. Lisa didn't really mind it though.

She was too busy thinking about Chaeyoung.

After dinner, Ami went to bed while the girls headed off to begin their project. Taking a break half way through to wash up before returning to complete it.

"How many works did we need to cite?"

"I think she said five."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, pretty sure." Lisa shrugged.

"Okay. But if you're wrong it's on you." Jennie gave her her signature stare.

"Oh I'm shaking."

"Stop it."

They put some finishing touches on their paper and presentation before submitting it to the teacher.

"Maaaaan I'm sooooo tired."

"God Lisa, you have to drag it out?" Jennie laughed crawling into the covers.

"Yeaaaaah because I'm tiiiiired." Lisa climbing in next to her, wrapping her arm and leg around her friend.

"Lisa no. Off."

"What? Why?!"

"I don't like being touched. You know this."

"Yes I do now let me cuddle." Lisa leaned in deeper.

"Uh no. Off off off." Jennie pushed her over.

Lisa sighed while Jennie chuckled. "Stop being a baby Lali. Let's go to sleep."

"Yeah yeah, okay."

They both stayed quiet for a few minutes. Turning every now and then in the bed before Jennie decided to break the silence.

"Lisa?" She whispered.


"Are we not going to talk about what you said today?"

"What did I say?" Lisa asked tiredly. Her eyes closed.

"That you might like Chaeyoung."

Lisa had forgotten about that. She tried her best to ignore what happened. But her mind kept replaying it over and over.

The feelings she felt, the smiles she saw, the words she heard. Everything felt so... right. Whenever she was with the brunette.

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