Chapter 24 What the Fudge

Start from the beginning

Oliver said hi to all the boys and then noticed me sitting in my wheelchair by the couch. He gasped.

"Oh my gosh! What happened?" he asked, pointing to my leg.

"Bianca was getting jiggy with it in the shower and fell." Louis said. We all looked at him strangely. "Oh, that sounded really wrong, didn't it?"

"Yeah, it did. I slipped and twisted it." I said.

"She was singing and dancing," Harry commented.

"How would you know?" I demanded.

"Because we could hear you in here and Squishy was hiding under the bed singing along with you." Niall replied.

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Anyways," I said to Oliver, "My mom emailed me and said I had to go back home to America, but with my ankle all broken, I don't have to. So we're celebrating."

"So, its a good thing you ankle is broken?" Oliver asked.

"Yep!" I said. "Now let's get the party started!" I yelled.

The boys cheered and Niall ran to get some food from the kitchen. He came back with several bags of chips and three big bottles of soda. We basically just sat around and talked and laughed. That is, until Louis bet Niall he could put more chips in his mouth than the other.

The guys cheered and placed their bets, most of them favoring Niall, and ran to the kitchen. They took the bottles of pop with them along with the bags of chips.

This was not going to end well.

We formed a semi circle around the two, so they were standing a spot between the counter and us. They both opened a bag of chips.

"Alright!" Liam yelled like a coach or something. I don't know, I'm not into sports. "Rules; whoever can shove more crisps into their mouth in one minute wins! Zayn, do you have the timer?"

Zayn held up his phone with a stopwatch on it. "Ready!" he said.

"Alright, ready, set, GO!" Liam yelled and they started.

Louis and Niall were both frantically shoving potato chips into their mouths. The rest of them were cheering and jumping around, rooting for whoever they bet on. I stood by warily, waiting for something to go wrong.

And I was right, because about twenty-five seconds into the competition, Niall started coughing. And then choking. He doubled over and tried to grab the counter for support, but his hand missed the edge and swept across the counter and knocked over the soda bottles. The bottles then practically flew and spilled all over the floor, counter and Louis's back, neck, and hair.

Niall finally got the chips out of his lungs while Louis was cussing and pulling his wet shirt off his back. Niall yelled a couple of his own cuss words after he stopped choking.

"Which one of you idiots left the lids off the pop?" I demanded.

They all put on looks of innocence while Harry smiled cheekily.

"Oops," he said. I rolled my eyes and patted Niall on the back.

"You okay?" I asked.

He coughed weakly a few more times before standing up and nodding. "Yeah, I'll be fine."

"My shirt won't!" Louis said.

"Oops," Niall mimicked Harry. Louis shot him a small glare and then ruffled his hair.

"We've got to clean this up." Liam said. He was standing at the edge of a large puddle of pop. Squishy ran to the puddle and started lapping it up.

"Whoa, buddy. That's not good for you." Harry said and scooped up the puppy. "I'll watch him in the bedroom until you guys get this cleaned up." he said and took off towards his room.

"We don't have any more towels or napkins," Zayn said.

"I'll run down to the lobby to get more. Anyone want to come help?" Liam asked.

I volunteered and Niall decided he would go down too. Probably to steal the fancy little pillow chocolates off the maid carts, but whatever.

"I'm going to hop into the shower real quick." Louis said.

"We'll stay here, Bianca." Oliver told me, gesturing to Zayn.

"Okay, see you in a bit!" I said cheerily and headed down to the lobby with Liam and Niall to find get some cleaning supplies. We probably could've just gotten a maid to clean for us, but it was our mess.

Down in the lobby, we had no problems getting the maid to hand over the cleaning the products. Apparently, she has a weakness for teenage boys with Irish accents. It was slightly awkward since she was probably around the age of fifty.

We headed back up the room with our arms full of paper towels and mop stuff. Actually, Niall and Liam carried most of it, so I just pressed the button on the elevator and opened the door.

But after I opened the door, I immediately wished I hadn't.

I heard the shower running, and the sound of Louis singing, and Harry playing with Squishy in the other room. What I wasn't expecting was the sight of seeing Zayn being pressed up against the arm of the couch by Oliver. Oliver had his hand on Zayn's thigh and was leaning in closer to Zayn's face.

"What. The. Fudge."

Except I didn't say fudge.


Dun dun DUUUUUNNNNNNN sorry or the wait!! Hope you liked it! :)

What's going to happen?? Were you right about Oliver?? Was Harry right about Oliver?? Was he really just leaning in to wipe something off Zayn's face?? WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!?

Video on the side is a very hilarious video of a twilight lip reading thingy. It's funny.


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